Creating animations
When the characters in a game start to move, the game will come alive. There are many ways to make animated characters. In this recipe, we will animate a character by using multiple images.
Getting ready
You can create an animation from a series of the following image files:

You need to add the running girl's animation image files to your project and clean your project.
Please check the recipe Creating sprites, which is the first recipe in this chapter, on how to add images to your project.
How to do it...
You can create an animation using a series of images. The following code creates the running girl's animation.
auto animation = Animation::create(); for (int i=1; i<=8; i++) { // from run_01.png to run_08.png std::string name = StringUtils::format("res/run_%02d.png", i); animation->addSpriteFrameWithFile(name.c_str()); } animation->setDelayPerUnit(0.1f); animation->setRestoreOriginalFrame(true); animation->setLoops(10); auto action = Animate::create...