Visualizing the data
First, we'll consider the spread of the heights of the London 2012 athletes. Let's plot our height values as a histogram to see how the data is distributed, remembering to filter the nil values first:
(defn ex-3-2 [] (-> (remove nil? (i/$ "Height, cm" (athlete-data))) (c/histogram :nbins 20 :x-label "Height, cm" :y-label "Frequency") (i/view)))
This code generates the following histogram:

The data is approximately normally distributed, as we have come to expect. The mean height of our athletes is around 177 cm. Let's take a look at the distribution of weights of swimmers from the 2012 Olympics:
(defn ex-3-3 [] (-> (remove nil? (i/$ "Weight" (athlete-data))) (c/histogram :nbins 20 :x-label "Weight" :y-label "Frequency") (i/view)))
This code generates the following histogram:

This data shows...