Time for action - opening and saving a project stored on Celtx studio
The company that oversees development of Celtx makes revenue (nothing wrong with that) to support its work by offering commercial add-ons. We've met the Art Packs already (additional icons for storyboards). The Open from Studio... choice on the File menu is for opening projects stored on the online Studio service. For a monthly subscription fee of $4.99 (US) you can:
Securely store all your Celtx projects plus those of others you designate, such as co-writers or people in your production company (up to five with the basic account)
Keep a backup and history of all your versions (an automated way of doing what we discussed earlier in the Saving a project under another name section)
Share your projects with others and/or manage a team's workflow
Engage in live online chats with other Studio users
The following is a screenshot from a sample Studio account showing subseats (other users on your account, all of whom you can control...