We are halfway through our journey in MicroStrategy Suite. During the preceding chapters we learned the basics of creating projects, reports, and graphs. It's time to step up and see the results of our work on the Web; after all, the vast majority of our users are consuming data via some sort of Internet browser.
MicroStrategy has a web interface, which is quite powerful and allows the user to explore the data in many different ways; unlike the Desktop application that has a fairly traditional look (very "VisualBasish"), the web interface is changing with every major release of the product. More features are added and the trend is to mimic the modern data discovery tools nowadays on the market.
While this is perfectly understandable, I would prefer to consider MicroStrategy as a complete enterprise-oriented BI suite, not just another Flash-based colorful Pivot table. But that's my personal point of view.
As I am writing, the Version 9.3.1 is generally available, with some important...