Creating Stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 ("Multichannel") Tracks in a Sequence
Before we dive into the recipes, let's go over some information about the differences between Mono tracks and Stereo tracks in a Sequence:
At the time of writing, Media Composer provides up to 24 audio tracks in a Sequence and provides the ability to hear any 16 of the displayed 24 tracks. In Avid ProTools lingo, they'd say that there are 24 tracks and 16 Voices. For most of us, 16 tracks are enough. For those that need to output more, they can perform an Audio Mixdown (also known as Bouncing Tracks in the audio mixing world). Audio Mixdown is a selection from the Special Menu.
Avid refers to Clips and Tracks that are Stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 as being Multichannel.
Clips and their Audio Tracks can be Mono, Stereo, 5.1 Surround Sound, or 7.1 Surround Sound. A recipe a bit later in this chapter discusses how to create Multichannel Clips .
You can have any combination of track-types in a Sequence.
Only Mono elements can be edited onto...