Font size adjustment
As computer screens have increased in resolution, icons and fonts have decreased in size. Personally, I find that the default font sizes are too small in most of Media Composer's windows and tools (even for some with younger eyes than mine).
As of this writing, it's possible to change the font display only at the following locations:
The Project Window
The Composer Window (also known as the Source/Record Window)
Timeline Views
Bins (also see the section titled Additional Bin Font Programming later in this chapter)
The Effect Editor window (for this, see the section titled Effect Editor font size later in this chapter)
How to do it...
To adjust font size, perform the following steps:
Select the Project Window, Composer Window (also known as the Source/Record Window), Timeline Window, or a bin to make it active.
Go to the Edit menu and select Set Font.
The Set Font box opens.
Select a font style and/or type in a font size.
Click on the OK button.
There's more...
The following are two...