Unlike lots of software, Apache Hadoop provides few configuration files that give you flexibility when configuring your Hadoop cluster. Among them are two primary files that influence the overall functioning of HDFS:
- core-site.xml: This file is primarily used to configure Hadoop IOs; primarily, all of the common settings of HDFS and MapReduce would go here.
- hdfs-site.xml: This file is the main file for all HDFS configuration. Anything pertaining to NameNode, SecondaryNameNode, or DataNode can be found here.
The core-site file has more than 315 parameters that can be set. We will look at different configurations in the administration section. The full list can be seen here (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r3.1.0/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/core-default.xml). We will cover some important parameters that you may need for configuration:
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