Creating a build pipeline with Azure Pipelines
CD takes the artifacts produced by a CI pipeline and delivers them to a production-like environment. Understanding how to do this is critical to successful software delivery. Azure DevOps has well-structured YAML syntax, such as stages, jobs, steps, and tasks, which can help you achieve those various tasks.
We will learn some basic terms and parts of Azure Pipelines, which will help you explore how you can use them to deploy better code more efficiently and reliably.
We use Azure Pipelines for the CI and CD solutions because we are able to work with any language and any platform and we can ensure simultaneous deployment to different types of targets. We also have an integration with Azure deployments; we are able to build on any environment (Windows, Linux, or macOS), and we also have an integration with GitHub and can work on open source projects.
Azure Pipelines’ core concepts
Before creating a new pipeline, we need...