Exercise 2 – creating an AKS cluster using the Azure portal
To create a new AKS cluster with the Azure portal, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the Azure portal. Select Create a resource, then Containers | Kubernetes Service.
- On the Basics tab, which is shown in the following figure, we will add the following settings:
Figure 10.8 – Create Kubernetes cluster – the Basics tab
To create a Kubernetes cluster, we must set up the following basic information for our AKS cluster:
- Project details: Select the Azure subscription. We can also create or select a resource group.
- Cluster details: We can choose a cluster preset configuration to customize the Kubernetes cluster. The options are Standard, Dev/Test, Cost-optimized, Batch processing, and Hardened access. We will select Standard. Fill in the Kubernetes cluster name field and choose a region. In the specified region, our master node will be created. Based on the...