On Tuesday, iFixit announced its partnership with Motorola to supply customers with repair kits for Motorola’s smartphones. Users can either send their device to Motorola for repairs or they can buy an iFixit battery or screen replacement kit (Motorola OEM Fix Kits) that includes the tools required to undertake the task themselves.
iFixit is a private company that sells repair parts and publishes free online repair guides for consumer electronics and gadgets on its website.
According to iFixit, this partnership is geared towards supporting the right to repair movement. Motorola is the first major smartphone manufacturer to supply repair kits to users. With this partnership, Motorola is adopting an open attitude towards repair.
In the official announcement, iFixit said:
“For fixers like us, this partnership is representative of a broader movement in support of our Right to Repair. It’s proof that OEM manufacturers and independent repair can co-exist. Big business and social responsibility, and innovation and sustainability don’t need to be mutually exclusive. Motorola is setting an industry-leading example of a company that’s looking forward—not just six months ahead to next quarter’s margins, but decades ahead when devices are damned for the landfill.”
iFixit’s site lists 16 Motorola repair kits for devices including the Moto Z Force, Z Play, Droid Turbo 2, G5, and G4. Along with these repairing kits called Motorola OEM Fix Kits, you will also get a free step-by-step guide. These kits range from $40 to $ 200 and include key replacement parts along with many of the specialty tools you’ll need to complete the repair.
Recently, CBC reported that Apple has been overpricing the repair costs and they threaten third-party shops who fix Apple products at less price. Apple only allows authorized Apple Store technicians to repair its devices.
In order to confirm this malpractice by Apple, CBC News visited one of these authorized repairing centers and recorded the entire conversation with the technician using a hidden camera. The video shows that Apple customers are often told malfunctioning computers are not worth fixing, even when minor repairs could solve the problem.
The news of Apple’s malpractice has fueled the Right to Repair movement. This movement advocates that a manufacturer should practice fair repair by providing repair documentation and supply parts to consumers and independent repair shops.
iFixit is one of the supporters of this movement. Earlier this month, they published an article on why support the Right to Repair. They have also teamed up with the Repair Association, an advocate for consumer’s right to repair and modify products from automobiles to IT equipment.
Read the official announcement on iFixit’s website.
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