- Access Control List (ACL)
- about / NodeManager (NM), The capacity scheduler
- administrative tools
- about / Administrative tools
- commands / Administrative tools
- generic options, supporting / Administrative tools
- anagrams / Practical examples of MRv1 and MRv2
- Apache Giraph
- about / Apache Giraph
- URL / Apache Giraph
- Apache Hadoop 2.2.0
- about / Journey – present and future
- Apache Samza
- about / Apache Samza
- Kafka / Apache Samza
- Apache YARN / Apache Samza
- ZooKeeper / Apache Samza
- Kafka producer, writing / Writing a Kafka producer
- hello-samza project, writing / Writing the hello-samza project
- Apache Samza, layers
- processing layer / Apache Samza
- streaming layer / Apache Samza
- execution layer / Apache Samza
- Apache Slider
- about / Journey – present and future
- Apache Software Foundation
- about / Mesos
- Apache Spark
- about / Apache Spark
- features / Apache Spark
- running, on YARN / Why...