Time for action – final controls
Add a GroupBox to the MapEditor form, and give it the following properties:
Name : groupBoxRightClick
Location : 10, 346
Size : 173, 103
Text : Right Click Mode
Add a RadioButton control inside the groupBoxRightClick GroupBox by dragging it from the Toolbox window and dropping it inside the Groupbox. Give it the following properties:
Name : radioPassable
Checked : True
Location : 6, 17
Text : Toggle Passable
Add another RadioButton control inside the groupBoxRightClick control, with the following properties:
Name : radioCode
Location : 6, 35
Text : Code
Add a TextBox control inside the groupBoxRightClick control with these properties:
Name : txtNewCode
Location : 62, 36
Size : 103, 20
Add a Label control inside the groupBoxRightClick control with these properties:
Name : lblCurrentCode
Location : 60, 59
Text : ---
Add a ComboBox control inside the groupBoxRightClick control with these properties:
Name : cboCodeValues
DropDownStyle : DropDownList
Location : 5, 75
Size : 160, 21