An introduction to Android tablets
The first ever Android tablet was released in 2011 with Android Version 3.0. However, all subsequent Android releases were targeted to support a range of screen sizes, including small, medium, and large ones. Due to its open nature, the Android ecosystem has a variety of device manufacturers, and hence, there are devices with different screen sizes and densities.
Applications built for Android smart phones can run on tablets without making any changes. However, if the UI is not optimized, it will give you a disagreeable user experience. Developers must take the extra space as an opportunity and use it efficiently to design a UI that can display more information on larger screens. For example, the Gmail application in the Android phone will have two activities for displaying the recent e-mail list and details of a selected e-mail. However, the same app in the tablet displays the e-mail list and the details on the same page, using the multi-pane split view...