Displaying special pricing for logged-in users with the Conditional Content plugin
If you are using Dynamic Pricing or some other pricing plugin to create special prices for users, you should display that content to customers. This is especially useful if you have bulk pricing, where the discounts aren't automatically visible to customers. In this recipe, we're going to show a special message to customers who aren't a part of our premium membership and show them how much they could be saving if they were a premium member.
Getting ready
You must have WooCommerce Subscriptions, Dynamic Pricing, and Conditional Content (http://www.woothemes.com/products/woocommerce-conditional-content/) installed and activated on your site.
How to do it…
To display special pricing for logged-in users with conditional content, let's take a look at the following steps:
From the WordPress admin, go to WooCommerce | Content Blocks.
Click on Add Content Block.
Enter a title for the content block and then add a description...