- -arch flag / -arch
- Account attribute / Using WiX to install a service
- Action attribute / ProgressBar
- ActionData event / Subscribing to control events
- action state
- about / Action state
- unknown / Action state
- advertised / Action state
- absent / Action state
- local / Action state
- source / Action state
- numbers / Action state
- -1 / Action state
- 1 / Action state
- 2 / Action state
- 3 / Action state
- 4 / Action state
- ActionText event / Subscribing to control events
- AddLocal event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events, AddLocal
- AddSource event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- AdminToolsFolder property / The Directory element
- AllowRemoval attribute / Authoring a .wixmsp file
- AppDataFolder property / The Directory element
- Append attribute / Setting file permissions
- ApplyBegin method / Setting up the event handlers
- AppSearch / Copying files you install, AppSearch
- about / AppSearch
- DirectorySearch / AppSearch, DirectorySearch
- FileSearch / AppSearch, FileSearch
- ComponentSearch / AppSearch, ComponentSearch
- RegistrySearch / AppSearch, RegistrySearch
- IniFileSearch / AppSearch, IniFileSearch
- Arguments attribute / Using WiX to install a service
- ARPCOMMENTS / Cited properties
- ARPCONTACT / Cited properties
- ARPHELPLINK / Cited properties
- ARPHELPTELEPHONE / Cited properties
- ARPINSTALLLOCATION / Cited properties
- ARPINSTALLLOCATION property / Setting a Windows Installer property
- ARPNOMODIFY / Cited properties
- ARPNOREMOVE / Cited properties
- ARPNOREPAIR / Cited properties
- ARPPRODUCTICON / Cited properties
- ARPREADME / Cited properties
- ARPSIZE / Cited properties
- ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT / Cited properties
- ARPURLINFOABOUT / Cited properties
- ARPURLUPDATEINFO / Cited properties
- AssignToProperty attribute / DirectorySearch
- asyncNoWait / Custom actions
- asyncWait / Custom actions
- attributes, File element
- Hidden / The File element
- ReadOnly / The File element
- Vital / The File element
- AwesomeCompiler class / Parsing custom elements
- -bcgg flag / -bcgg
- -bf flag / -bf
- -b flag / -b
- -binder flag / -binder
- 64-bit files
- installing / Installing 64-bit files
- Before attribute / Custom actions
- Billboard / Billboard
- Bitmap / Bitmap
- Blue attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- Bold attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- BootstrapperApplicationAttribute / Creating the class library
- BootstrapperApplication class
- extending / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- BootstrapperCore.dll / Burn extension points
- Bootstrapper Project template
- using / Using the Bootstrapper Project template
- Build page / The File element
- bundled MSI
- user input, passing / Passing user input to a bundled MSI
- Bundle element
- about / Using the Bootstrapper Project template
- describing / Describing the Bundle element
- bundles
- updating / Updating existing bundles
- related bundles, finding / Finding other related bundles
- Package Cache / Where the packages are cached
- Burn
- about / The Fragment element
- Burn bundle
- UI, referencing / Referencing the UI in a Burn bundle
- -cc <path> flag / -cc <path>
- -cg <ComponentGroup> argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- -ct <N> flag / -ct <N>
- -cub <file.cub> flag / -cub <file.cub>
- -cultures flag / -cultures
- -cultures flags / The role of Light.exe
- Cabinet attribute / The Media element
- CacheAcquireProgress event / Displaying progress
- Candle.exe
- about / Candle.exe
- Response files / Response files
- .wixobj files / .wixobj files
- command-line arguments / Command-line arguments (compiling)
- -arch flag / -arch
- -d flag / -d
- -ext flag / -ext
- -fips flag / -fips
- -I flag / -I
- -nologo flag / -nologo
- -o flag / -o
- -p flag / -p
- -pedantic flag / -pedantic
- -sfdvital flag / -sfdvital
- -ss flag / -ss
- -sw flag / -sw
- -trace flag / -trace
- -v flag / -v
- -wx flag / -wx
- Category attribute / Creating a new MSI table
- CDROM attribute / DirectoryCombo
- Chain element / Using the Bootstrapper Project template, The Chain element
- ChangePermission attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- check / Custom actions
- CheckBox / CheckBox
- CheckExistingTargetPath event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- CheckTargetPath event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- cited properties
- about / Cited properties
- ARPCOMMENTS / Cited properties
- ARPCONTACT / Cited properties
- ARPINSTALLLOCATION / Cited properties
- ARPHELPLINK / Cited properties
- ARPHELPTELEPHONE / Cited properties
- ARPNOMODIFY / Cited properties
- ARPNOREMOVE / Cited properties
- ARPNOREPAIR / Cited properties
- ARPPRODUCTICON / Cited properties
- ARPREADME / Cited properties
- ARPSIZE / Cited properties
- ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT / Cited properties
- ARPURLINFOABOUT / Cited properties
- ARPURLUPDATEINFO / Cited properties
- Classification / Authoring a .wixmsp file
- class library (.dll)
- creating / Creating the class library
- CLR / -sa
- code page / Setting language and code page attributes
- ComboBox / ComboBox
- command-line arguments
- collecting / Collecting command-line arguments
- /layout / Collecting command-line arguments
- /help / Collecting command-line arguments
- /? / Collecting command-line arguments
- /uninstall / Collecting command-line arguments
- /install / Collecting command-line arguments
- /modify / Collecting command-line arguments
- /repair / Collecting command-line arguments
- Command-line arguments(binding)
- -bcgg flag / -bcgg
- -cc <path> flag / -cc <path>
- -ct <N> flag / -ct <N>
- -cub <file.cub> flag / -cub <file.cub>
- -dclTopicnlevel flag / -dcl:level
- -eav flag / -eav
- -fv flag / -fv
- -ice<ICE> flag / -ice <ICE>
- -pdbout <output.wixpdb> flag / -pdbout <output.wixpdb>
- -reusecab flag / -reusecab
- -sa flag / -sa
- -sacl flag / -sacl
- -sf flag / -sf
- -sh flag / -sh
- -siceTopicn<ICE> flag / -sice: <ICE>
- -sl flag / -sl
- -spdb flag / -spdb
- -sval flag / -sval
- Command-line arguments(linking)
- -b flag / -b
- -bf flag / -bf
- -binder flag / -binder
- -cultures flag / -cultures
- -d flag / -d
- -dut flag / -dut
- -ext flag / -ext
- -loc flag / -loc
- -nologo / -nologo
- -notidy flag / -notidy
- -o[ut] flag / -o[ut]
- -pedantic flag / -pedantic
- -sadmin flag / -sadmin
- -sadv flag / -sadv
- -sloc flag / -sloc
- -sma flag / -sma
- -ss flag / -ss
- -sts flag / -sts
- -sui flag / -sui
- -sv flag / -sv
- -sw[N] flag / -sw[N]
- -usf <output.xml> flag / -usf <output.xml>
- v flag / -v
- -wx[N] flag / -wx[N]
- -xo flag / -xo
- Comments attribute / Authoring a .wixmsp file
- CommonAppDataFolder property / The Directory element
- CommonFiles64Folder property / The Directory element
- CommonFilesFolder property / The Directory element
- compile-time variables
- about / Compile-time variables
- custom compiler variables / Custom compiler variables
- environment variables / Environment variables
- system variables / System variables
- component condition
- about / Component conditions
- Component database / Orca.exe
- ComponentGroup / The Component element
- ComponentGroup element
- about / The ComponentGroup element
- components / The Directory element
- ComponentSearch
- about / ComponentSearch
- conditional statements
- if...elseif...else / if...elseif...else
- ifdef / ifdef
- ifndef / ifndef
- Iterations / Iterations
- warning / Errors and warnings
- errors / Errors and warnings
- conditions
- types / The syntax of conditions
- launch conditions / The syntax of conditions
- feature conditions / The syntax of conditions
- component conditions / The syntax of conditions
- syntax / Condition syntax
- adding, to custom actions / Adding conditions to custom actions
- control attributes
- about / Attributes common to all controls
- control event / PushButton
- control syntax
- about / Specific control syntax
- PushButton / PushButton
- Text / Text
- ScrollableText / ScrollableText
- Line / Line
- GroupBox / GroupBox
- Bitmap / Bitmap
- Icon / Icon
- Edit / Edit
- MaskedEdit / MaskedEdit
- PathEdit / PathEdit
- CheckBox / CheckBox
- RadioButtonGroup / RadioButtonGroup
- ComboBox / ComboBox
- ListBox / ListBox
- ListView / ListView
- DirectoryList / DirectoryList
- DirectoryCombo / DirectoryCombo
- SelectionTree / SelectionTree
- VolumeCostList / VolumeCostList
- VolumeSelectCombo / VolumeSelectCombo
- Billboard / Billboard
- ProgressBar / ProgressBar
- CopyFile element / Moving existing files
- CostFinalize / Action state, CostFinalize
- costing / Action state
- CostInitialize / CostInitialize
- CreateFolder element / Creating an empty folder
- CreateLink attribute / Registry permissions
- CreateRow method / Parsing custom elements
- CreateShortcuts action / CreateShortcuts
- CreateSubkeys attribute / Registry permissions
- CustomActionData property / Accessing properties in a deferred action
- custom actions
- conditions, adding / Adding conditions to custom actions
- typing, to custom element / Tying a custom action to the custom element
- customactions
- about / Custom actions
- Windows Installer property, setting / Setting a Windows Installer property
- installed directory location, setting / Setting the location of an installed directory
- embedded VBScript or JScript, running / Running embedded VBScript or JScript
- external VBScript or JScript file, calling / Calling an external VBScript or JScript file
- function calling, from dynamic-link library / Calling a function from a dynamic-link library
- executable file, triggering / Triggering an executable
- Error attribute, using / Sending an error that stops the installation
- CustomBootstrapperApplication class / Defining the model
- custom properties
- about / Custom properties
- setting / Declaring and setting properties
- declaring / Declaring and setting properties
- referencing / Referencing properties
- visibility / Property visibility and scope
- scope / Property visibility and scope
- secure properties / Secure properties
- property data types / Property data types
- custom WiX extension
- building / Building a custom WiX extension
- stage, setting / Setting the stage
- extending / Extending the CompilerExtension class
- XML schema, adding / Adding an XML schema
- custom elements, parsing / Parsing custom elements
- new MSI table, creating / Creating a new MSI table
- WixExtension class, extending / Extending the WixExtension class
- -dcl
- level flag / -dcl:level
- -d flag / -d, -d
- -dr <DirectoryName> argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- -dut flag / -dut
- deferred action
- properties, accessing / Accessing properties in a deferred action
- deferred stage / Immediate versus deferred, Billboard
- DelegateCommand / Creating the class library
- DelegateCommand class / Defining the constructor
- Delete attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- DependencyExtension / Counting package references
- Description attribute / The Feature element, Using WiX to install a service, Authoring a .wixmsp file
- DesktopFolder property / The Directory element
- DestinationProperty attribute / Copying files you install
- Detect method / Setting up the event handlers
- DetectPackageComplete method / Setting up the event handlers
- Dialog attribute / Scheduling dialogs
- directories / Implied properties
- DirectoryCombo / DirectoryCombo
- Directory element / The Directory element
- directory element / The Directory element
- DirectoryList / DirectoryList
- DirectoryListNew event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- DirectoryListOpen event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- Directory property
- AdminToolsFolder / The Directory element
- AppDataFolder / The Directory element
- CommonAppDataFolder / The Directory element
- CommonFiles64Folder / The Directory element
- CommonFilesFolder / The Directory element
- DesktopFolder / The Directory element
- FavoritesFolder / The Directory element
- FontsFolder / The Directory element
- LocalAppDataFolder / The Directory element
- MyPicturesFolder / The Directory element
- NetHoodFolder / The Directory element
- PersonalFolder / The Directory element
- PrintHoodFolder / The Directory element
- ProgramFiles64Folder / The Directory element
- ProgramFilesFolder / The Directory element
- ProgramMenuFolder / The Directory element
- RecentFolder / The Directory element
- SendToFolder / The Directory element
- StartMenuFolder / The Directory element
- StartupFolder / The Directory element
- System16Folder / The Directory element
- System64Folder / The Directory element
- SystemFolder / The Directory element
- TempFolder / The Directory element
- TemplateFolder / The Directory element
- WindowsFolder / The Directory element
- DirectoryRef element
- about / The DirectoryRef element
- DirectorySearch
- about / DirectorySearch, FileSearch
- DisableSystemRestore attribute / The Chain element
- Dispatcher.InvokeShutdown method / Defining the constructor
- Dispatcher.Run() / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- DisplayInternalUI attribute / The Standard Bootstrapper UI
- DoAction event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events, DoAction
- DownloadUrl attribute / Downloading packages
- about / Calling a function from a dynamic-link library, Deployment Tools Foundation
- session object / The session object
- properties, getting / Getting and setting properties
- properties, setting / Getting and setting properties
- logging / Logging
- message box, showing / Showing a message box
- feature, accessing / Accessing feature and component states
- component states, accessing / Accessing feature and component states
- MSI database, querying / Querying the MSI database
- rows, inserting into MSI database / Inserting rows into the MSI database
- DWORD / Reading from the registry
- -eav flag / -eav
- -ext flag / -ext, -ext
- Edit / Edit
- EmbedCab attribute / The MediaTemplate element
- empty folder
- creating / Creating an empty folder
- en-us.wxl file / Resizing controls
- EnableRollback event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- EndDialog event / Adding a tabbable control, Adding a progress dialog, Publish elementaboutPublishing control events, EndDialog
- EnumerateSubkeys attribute / Registry permissions
- Error dialog / Error
- about / EULA
- ExeCommand attribute / Triggering an executable
- ExecuteAction / ExecuteAction
- Execute attribute / Setting file permissions
- ExecuteScalar method / Querying the MSI database
- ExePackage element / The ExePackage element
- Exit dialog / Exit
- extension
- using, in WiX project / Using the extension in a WiX project
- extensions / Launch conditions
- -fips flag / -fips
- -fv flag / -fv
- /foo / Collecting command-line arguments
- FaceName attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- FatalError / FatalError
- FavoritesFolder property / The Directory element
- feature / The Feature element
- feature condition
- about / Feature conditions
- feature tree / The Feature element
- FileCost / Feature conditions, FileCost
- File element
- about / The File element
- file installations
- speeding up / Speeding up file installations
- FileKey attribute / Triggering an executable
- file permissions
- setting / Setting file permissions
- files
- harvesting, heat.exe used / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- copying, for installation / Copying files you install
- existing files, copying / Copying existing files
- existing files, moving / Moving existing files
- FilesInUse dialog / FilesInUse
- FilesInUseDlg.wxs file / FilesInUse
- File table / Speeding up file installations
- FinalResult property / Defining the model, Setting up the event handlers
- FindRelatedProducts / FindRelatedProducts
- FIPS / -fips
- Fixed attribute / DirectoryCombo
- Floppy attribute / DirectoryCombo
- FontsFolder property / The Directory element
- ForceCreateOnInstall attribute / Writing multiple values
- Formats tab / Creating a multi-language MSI
- Fragment element
- about / The Fragment element
- -g1 argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- -gg argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- GAC / Adding assembly files to the GAC
- GenericAll attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- GenericExecute attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- GenericRead attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- GenericWrite attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- GetCommandLineArgs method / Collecting command-line arguments
- GetVariableValue method / Preprocessor extensions
- green attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- GroupBox / GroupBox
- about / A word about GUIDs
- /help / Collecting command-line arguments
- heat.exe
- files, harvesting / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- about / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- arguments, adding / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- HyperlinkLicense user interface
- about / The HyperlinkLicense user interface
- -ice<ICE> flag / -ice <ICE>
- -I flag / -I
- /install / Collecting command-line arguments
- ICE20
- about / ICE20 revisited
- FilesInUse / FilesInUse
- Error / Error
- FatalError / FatalError
- UserExit / UserExit
- Exit / Exit
- Icon / Icon
- Icon attribute / Start menu shortcuts
- Id attribute / IniFileSearch
- if statement / if...elseif...else
- ignore / Custom actions
- IgnoreChange event / Subscribing to control events
- immediate phase / Immediate versus deferred, Billboard
- include file (.wxi) / Compile-time variables
- INI file / IniFileSearch
- IniFileSearch
- about / IniFileSearch
- installation
- loggin, turn on / Turning logging on during installation
- restricting, by operating system / Restricting the install by the operating system
- Installation Scope screen / WixUI_Advanced
- Install button / Adding a progress dialog
- InstallCommand attribute / The ExePackage element
- Installed keyword / Referencing properties
- Installedproperty / Launch conditions
- Installed property / Sending an error that stops the installation
- installed state
- about / Installed state
- -1 / Installed state
- 1 / Installed state
- 2 / Installed state
- 3 / Installed state
- 4 / Installed state
- installer
- building, without Visual Studio / Building an installer without Visual Studio
- InstallerVersion attribute / The Package element
- InstallExecuteSequence
- about / InstallUISequence, InstallExecuteSequence
- UI standard actions / UI standard actions
- standard actions, executing / Execute standard actions
- Immediate / Immediate versus deferred
- deferred / Immediate versus deferred
- InstallFiles action / InstallFiles
- InstallInitialize action / InstallInitialize
- InstallScope attribute / The Package element
- InstallValidate action / InstallValidate
- InstallViewModel class / Declaring the properties and fields
- Italic attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- JRE / The ExePackage element
- KB attribute / The MsuPackage element
- Key attribute / Reading from the registry
- KeyPath file / The Component element
- -loc flag / -loc
- /layout / Collecting command-line arguments
- Language / The Product element
- launch condition
- about / Launch conditions
- examples / Launch conditions
- LaunchConditions / LaunchConditions
- Librarian settings / Tying a custom action to the custom element
- Light / Light.exe
- Command-line arguments / Command-line arguments (linking)
- Light.exe
- about / The role of Light.exe
- role / The role of Light.exe
- Line / Line
- link-time variables
- about / Link-time variables
- localization variables / Localization variables
- binder variables / Binder variables
- custom linker variables / Custom linker variables
- Linking / Command-line arguments (linking)
- ListBox / ListBox
- ListView / ListView
- LoadLibraryHelper method / Tying a custom action to the custom element
- load order group / Adding service dependencies
- LoadOrderGroup attribute / Using WiX to install a service
- LocalAppDataFolder property / The Directory element
- locale identifier / Setting language and code page attributes
- Localizable attributes / WiX localization files
- LocalService / Setting the service's user account
- LocalSystem account / Setting the service's user account
- logical operators / Condition syntax
- .msp file / Creating a patch from .wixout files
- /modify / Collecting command-line arguments
- major update
- about / Choosing an update type
- using, criteria / Choosing an update type
- preparing / Preparing a major upgrade
- Manufacturer attribute / The Product element
- mask / MaskedEdit
- MaskedEdit / MaskedEdit
- media element / The Media element
- MediaProperty property / The Fragment element
- MediaTemplate element / The MediaTemplate element
- merge modules (.msm) / The Fragment element
- Message method / ProgressBar
- Message property / Declaring the properties and fields, Marking up the view
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism / Creating the class library
- Microsoft Download Center website / Where can I get it?
- MigrateFeatureStates / MigrateFeatureStates
- minor update
- about / Choosing an update type, The minor upgrade
- .wixmsp file, authoring / Authoring a .wixmsp file
- patch, creating from .wixpdb files / Creating a patch from .wixpdb files
- patch, creating from .without files / Creating a patch from .wixout files
- modal windows
- about / Modal windows
- model
- about / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- defining / Defining the model
- Modeless attribute / Adding a progress dialog
- MSDN website / Setting language and code page attributes
- MSI database
- about / Viewing the MSI database
- Orca / Viewing the MSI database
- Orca.exe / Orca.exe
- MsiNTProductType property / Launch conditions
- MsiPackage element / The MsiPackage element
- MspPackage element / The MspPackage element
- MsuPackage element / The MsuPackage element
- MVVM / Creating the class library
- MyPicturesFolder property / The Directory element
- -nologo flag / -nologo
- -notidy flag / -notidy
- Name attribute / Describing the Bundle element
- Name sets / Reading from the registry
- NETFRAMEWORK10 property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK20 property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK20INSTALLROOTDIR64 property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK20INSTALLROOTDIR property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK30 property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK35 property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK40CLIENT property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK40FULLINSTALLROOTDIR64 property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK40FULLINSTALLROOTDIR property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK40FULL property / Launch conditions
- NETFRAMEWORK45 property / Launch conditions
- NetHoodFolder property / The Directory element
- NetworkService / Setting the service's user account
- NewDialog event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events, NewDialog
- Notify attribute / Registry permissions
- NOTPropertyA / Condition syntax
- NoWrap attribute / Text
- NuGet / Creating the class library
- -o flag / -o
- -o[ut] flag / -o[ut]
- One Really Cool App / Orca.exe
- OnExit attribute / FatalError
- operating system / Launch conditions
- Options button / The RtfLicense user interface
- OR / Condition syntax
- Orca tool / Viewing the MSI database
- Overridable attribute / WiX localization files
- own dialogs, creating
- about / Creating your own dialogs
- ICE20 errors / ICE20 errors
- dialog files, adding / Adding dialog files
- dialog element / The Dialog element
- dialogs, scheduling / Scheduling dialogs
- TextStyle elements, adding / Adding TextStyle elements
- tabbable control, adding / Adding a tabbable control
- progress dialog, adding / Adding a progress dialog
- -pdbout <output.wixpdb> flag / -pdbout <output.wixpdb>
- -pedantic flag / -pedantic, -pedantic
- -p flag / -p
- Package Cache / Where the packages are cached
- package element / The Package element
- about / The Package element
- PackageGroup elements / PackageGroups
- package references
- counting / Counting package references
- packages
- downloading / Downloading packages, Downloading packages
- packages chaining
- Chain element / The Chain element
- MsiPackage element / The MsiPackage element
- ExePackage element / The ExePackage element
- MspPackage element / The MspPackage element
- MsuPackage element / The MsuPackage element
- ParseSuperElement method / Parsing custom elements
- Password attribute / Using WiX to install a service
- Patch element / Authoring a .wixmsp file
- patch file / The minor upgrade
- patch slipstreaming / The MspPackage element
- PathEdit / PathEdit
- PermissionEx element
- attributes / Setting file permissions
- PersonalFolder property / The Directory element
- PlanAction method / Defining the constructor
- predefined properties, Windows Installer
- implied properties / Implied properties
- cited properties / Cited properties
- preprocessor extension
- about / Preprocessor extensions
- preprocessor variable / The File element
- PrintHoodFolder property / The Directory element
- Prism / Creating the class library
- private property / Property visibility and scope
- Privileged property / Launch conditions
- ProcessComponents action / ProcessComponents
- ProductCode / The Product element
- ProductCode attribute / Start menu shortcuts
- product element / The Product element
- about / The Product element
- ProgramCommandLine attribute / Service recovery with Util:ServiceConfig
- ProgramFiles64Folder property / The Directory element
- ProgramFilesFolder property / The Directory element
- ProgramMenuFolder property / The Directory element
- ProgressBar / ProgressBar
- progress bar
- displaying / Displaying progress
- progress dialog
- adding / Adding a tabbable control, Adding a progress dialog
- ProgressDlg dialog / Inserting rows into the MSI database
- properties / The Fragment element
- PropertyA / Condition syntax
- PropertyA<> / Condition syntax
- PropertyA<PropertyB / Condition syntax
- PropertyA= / Condition syntax
- Property attribute / Edit
- Property element / The Media element
- Publish element / PushButton
- about / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- AddLocal event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- AddSource event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- CheckExistingTargetPath event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- CheckTargetPath event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- DirectoryListNew event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- DirectoryListOpen event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- DirectoryListUp event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- DoAction event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- EnableRollback event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- EndDialog event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- NewDialog event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- ReinstallMode event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- Remove event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- Reset event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SelectionBrowse event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SetInstallLevel event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SetTargetPath event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SpawnDialog event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SpawnWaitDialog event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- ValidateProductID event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- Publish events
- about / Publish events
- DoAction / DoAction
- EndDialog / EndDialog
- NewDialog / NewDialog
- AddLocal / AddLocal
- property, publishing / Publishing a property
- PublishFeatures action / PublishFeatures
- PublishProduct action / PublishProduct, InstallFinalize
- PushButton / PushButton
- PushButton PushButton / PushButton
- pyro.exe / Creating a patch from .wixpdb files
- -reusecab flag / -reusecab
- /repair / Collecting command-line arguments
- RadioButtonGroup / RadioButtonGroup
- RaisePropertyChanged method / Declaring the properties and fields
- RAMDisk attribute / DirectoryCombo
- Raw / IniFileSearch
- Read attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- ReadPermission attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- RecentFolder property / The Directory element
- Red attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- RegisterProduct action / RegisterProduct
- registry
- reading from / Reading from the registry
- writing to / Writing to the registry
- single value, writing / Writing a single value
- multiple value, writing / Writing multiple values
- NeverOverwrite, setting / Setting NeverOverwrite
- permissions / Registry permissions
- RegistryKey element / Writing multiple values
- RegistrySearch
- about / RegistrySearch
- RegistrySearch element / Reading from the registry
- RegistryValue element / Start menu shortcuts
- registry values
- removing / Removing registry values
- all keys, removing / Remove all keys recursively
- single value, removing / Removing a single value
- copying / Copying registry values
- REG_BINARY / Reading from the registry
- REG_EXPAND_SZ / Reading from the registry
- REG_MULTI_SZ / Reading from the registry
- REG_SZ / Reading from the registry
- ReinstallMode event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- Remote attribute / DirectoryCombo
- Removable attribute / DirectoryCombo
- Remove event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- RemoveFiles action / RemoveFiles
- REMOVE property / Feature conditions
- RemoveRegistryKey element / Remove all keys recursively
- RemoveShortcuts action / RemoveShortcuts
- repair / The Component element, The File element
- RequiredVersion attribute / XML declaration and Wix element
- Reset event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- ResetPeriodInDays attribute
- about / Service recovery with Util:ServiceConfig
- resiliency / The Component element
- ResolveSource event / Downloading packages
- resources, WiX / Other resources
- response file / Response files
- Result property / Setting up the event handlers
- Return attribute / Custom actions
- RollbackBoundary elements / Rollback boundaries
- rollback custom actions
- about / Rollback custom actions
- Root attribute / Reading from the registry
- RtfLicense user interface
- about / The RtfLicense user interface
- Run method / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- -sacl flag / -sacl
- -sadmin flag / -sadmin
- -sadv flag / -sadv
- -sa flag / -sa
- -sfdvital flag / -sfdvital
- -sf flag / -sf
- -sfrag argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- -sh flag / -sh
- -sice
- <ICE> flag / -sice: <ICE>
- -sl flag / -sl
- -sloc flag / -sloc
- -sma flag / -sma
- -spdb flag / -spdb
- -srd argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- -ss flag / -ss, -ss
- -sts flag / -sts
- -sval flag / -sval
- -sw flag / -sw
- sc.exe
- using / Using sc.exe
- ScriptInProgress event / Subscribing to control events, ScriptInProgress
- ScrollableText / ScrollableText
- Security tab / Setting file permissions
- SelectionAction event / Subscribing to control events, SelectionAction
- SelectionBrowse event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SelectionDescription event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionNoItems event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionPath event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionPathOn event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionSize event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionTree / SelectionTree
- SendToFolder property / The Directory element
- service
- uninstalling / Starting, stopping, and uninstalling a service
- stopping / Starting, stopping, and uninstalling a service
- starting / Starting, stopping, and uninstalling a service
- user account, setting / Setting the service's user account
- Service Control Manager (SCM) / Creating a simple Windows service
- service dependencies
- adding / Adding service dependencies
- ServiceInstall / Using WiX to install a service
- ServicePackLevel property / Launch conditions
- SetInstallLevel event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SetProgress event / Adding a progress dialog, Subscribing to control events
- SetProperty element / Setting a Windows Installer property
- ShowMessageImmediate method / Tying a custom action to the custom element
- simple Windows service
- creating / Creating a simple Windows service
- size attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- small update
- about / Choosing an update type, The small update
- SomeAssembly.dll / The File element
- Source attribute / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- SourceFile attribute / The MsuPackage element
- Source not found error / Error messages
- SpawnDialog event / Modal windows, Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- SpawnWaitDialog event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- special-case files
- installing / Installing special-case files
- assembly files, adding to GAC / Adding assembly files to the GAC
- TrueType font, installing / Installing a TrueType font
- src\Setup\WixBA folder / Burn extension points
- standard actions, InstallExecuteSequence
- InstallValidate / InstallValidate
- InstallInitialize / InstallInitialize
- ProcessComponents / ProcessComponents
- UnpublishFeatures / UnpublishFeatures
- RemoveRegistryValues / RemoveRegistryValues
- RemoveShortcuts / RemoveShortcuts
- RemoveFiles / RemoveFiles
- InstallFiles / InstallFiles
- CreateShortcuts / CreateShortcuts
- WriteRegistryValues / WriteRegistryValues
- RegisterUser / RegisterUser
- RegisterProduct / RegisterProduct
- PublishFeatures / PublishFeatures
- PublishProduct / PublishProduct
- InstallFinalize / InstallFinalize
- Standard Bootstrapper UI
- about / The Standard Bootstrapper UI
- RtfLicense user interface / The RtfLicense user interface
- HyperlinkLicense user interface / The HyperlinkLicense user interface
- standard dialog sets, WiX
- about / WiX standard dialog sets
- WixUI_Advanced / WixUI_Advanced
- WixUI_FeatureTree / WixUI_FeatureTree
- WixUI_InstallDir / WixUI_InstallDir
- WixUI_Mondo / WixUI_Mondo
- customizing / Customizing a standard dialog set
- StartMenuFolder property / The Directory element
- StartupFolder property / The Directory element
- strike attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- Subscribe element
- about / Subscribing to control events
- ActionData event / Subscribing to control events
- ActionText event / Subscribing to control events
- IgnoreChange event / Subscribing to control events
- events / Subscribing to control events
- ScriptInProgress event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionAction event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionDescription event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionNoItems event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionPath event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionPathOn event / Subscribing to control events
- SelectionSize event / Subscribing to control events
- SetProgress event / Subscribing to control events
- TimeRemaining event / Subscribing to control events
- Subscribe events
- about / Subscribe events
- ScriptInProgress / ScriptInProgress
- SelectionAction / SelectionAction
- TimeRemaining / TimeRemaining
- Synchronize attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- System16Folder property / The Directory element
- System64Folder property / The Directory element
- SystemFolder property / The Directory element
- -t / Creating a multi-language MSI
- -trace flag / -trace
- TakeOwnership attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- Target attribute / Start menu shortcuts
- TempFolde property / The Directory element
- TemplateFolder property / The Directory element
- Template Summary property / The Package element
- Text / Text
- ThemeFile attribute / The HyperlinkLicense user interface
- the Value attribute / Writing a single value
- ThmViewer utility / The HyperlinkLicense user interface
- TimeRemaining event / Subscribing to control events, TimeRemaining
- tools, WiX
- Candle.exe / Where can I get it?
- Light.exe / Where can I get it?
- Lit.exe / Where can I get it?
- Dark.exe / Where can I get it?
- Heat.exe / Where can I get it?
- Insignia.exe / Where can I get it?
- Melt.exe / Where can I get it?
- Torch.exe / Where can I get it?
- Shine / Where can I get it?
- Smoke.exe / Where can I get it?
- Pyro.exe / Where can I get it?
- WixCop.exe / Where can I get it?
- WixUnit.exe / Where can I get it?
- Lux.exe / Where can I get it?
- Nit.exe / Where can I get it?
- Tools Settings tab / Installing 64-bit files
- Torch / Creating a multi-language MSI
- transform files / Creating a multi-language MSI
- Type 2 / Triggering an executable
- Type 5 (JScript) / Calling an external VBScript or JScript file
- Type 6 (VBScript) / Calling an external VBScript or JScript file
- Type 19 custom action / Sending an error that stops the installation
- Type 34 custom action / Triggering an executable
- Type 35custom action / Setting the location of an installed directory
- Type 37(VBScript) / Running embedded VBScript or JScript
- Type 38 (JScript) / Running embedded VBScript or JScript
- Type 51custom action / Setting a Windows Installer property
- type attribute / Creating a new MSI table
- Type attribute / IniFileSearch, Reading from the registry
- data / Writing a single value
- /uninstall / Collecting command-line arguments
- UI
- localizing / Localizing the UI
- UI localization
- about / Localizing the UI
- error messages / Error messages
- progress bar messages / Progress bar messages
- controls, resizing / Resizing controls
- multi-language MSI, creating / Creating a multi-language MSI
- UI standard actions
- about / UI standard actions
- FindRelatedProducts / FindRelatedProducts
- AppSearch / AppSearch
- LaunchConditions / LaunchConditions
- ValidateProductID / ValidateProductID
- CostInitialize / CostInitialize
- FileCost / FileCost
- CostFinalize / CostFinalize
- MigrateFeatureStates / MigrateFeatureStates
- ExecuteAction / ExecuteAction
- Underline attribute / Adding TextStyle elements
- UnexpectedAttribute method / Parsing custom elements
- UnexpectedElement method / Parsing custom elements
- Uninstall button / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- UninstallCommand attribute / The ExePackage element
- UnpublishFeatures action / UnpublishFeatures
- unreal tables / -dut
- UnsupportedExtensionAttribute method / Parsing custom elements
- update
- per-machine / Per-user or per-machine
- per-user / Per-user or per-machine
- update planning
- about / Planning for updates
- major updates / Planning for updates
- small updates / Planning for updates
- minor updates / Planning for updates
- update type, choosing / Choosing an update type
- UpgradeCode attribute / Updating existing bundles
- User / Setting file permissions
- UserExit dialog / UserExit
- user interface
- adding / Adding a user interface
- Util
- ServiceConfigTopicnservice recovery / Service recovery with Util:ServiceConfig
- util namespace / Setting file permissions
- -var <VarName> argument / Harvesting files with heat.exe
- -v flag / -v
- ValidateProductID / ValidateProductID
- ValidateProductID event / Publish elementaboutPublishing control events
- Version / Describing the Bundle element
- Version attribute / The Product element
- view
- about / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- marking up / Marking up the view
- viewmodel
- about / Extending the BootstrapperApplication class
- implementing / Implementing the viewmodel
- viewmodel implementation
- about / Implementing the viewmodel
- fields, declaring / Declaring the properties and fields
- properties, declaring / Declaring the properties and fields
- constructor, defining / Defining the constructor
- event handlers, setting up / Setting up the event handlers
- helper methods / Helper methods
- Vital attribute / Using WiX to install a service, The MsiPackage element
- VolumeCostList / VolumeCostList
- VolumeSelectCombo / VolumeSelectCombo
- Votive / Visual Studio package (Votive)
- -wx flag / -wx
- Window class / Marking up the view
- WindowsFolder property / The Directory element
- Windows Installer
- about / Where can I get it?
- Visual Studio package / Visual Studio package (Votive)
- predefined properties / Predefined Windows Installer properties
- WINDOWSSDKCURRENTVERSION property / Launch conditions
- WireUpEventHandlers method / Helper methods
- WiX
- about / Introducing Windows Installer XML, What is WiX?
- options / What is WiX?
- features / Is WiX for you?
- latesht version / Where can I get it?
- tools / Where can I get it?
- new version, installing / Where can I get it?
- Visual Studio package / Visual Studio package (Votive)
- project templates / Visual Studio package (Votive)
- GUIDs / A word about GUIDs
- project / Your first WiX project
- resources / Other resources
- standard dialog sets / WiX standard dialog sets
- using, for service installation / Using WiX to install a service
- localization files / WiX localization files
- WiX extension / Setting the stage
- WixFailWhenDeferred / Rollback custom actions
- WiX library (.wixlib) / The Fragment element
- WiX localization files
- about / WiX localization files
- example / WiX localization files
- WixNetFxExtension / Launch conditions
- WiX project
- about / Your first WiX project
- Wix element / XML declaration and Wix element
- XML declaration / XML declaration and Wix element
- product element / The Product element
- package element / The Package element
- media template element / The MediaTemplate element
- media element / The Media element
- directory element / The Directory element
- component element / The Component element
- file element / The File element
- feature element / The Feature element
- Start Menu shortcuts / Start menu shortcuts
- summing up / Putting it all together
- extension, using / Using the extension in a WiX project
- WixUI_Advanced / WixUI_Advanced
- WixUI_Advanced attribute / Adding a user interface
- WixUI_FeatureTree / WixUI_FeatureTree
- WixUI_FeatureTree attribute / Adding a user interface
- WixUI_InstallDir / WixUI_InstallDir
- WixUI_InstallDir attribute / Adding a user interface
- WixUI_Mondo / WixUI_Mondo
- WixUI_Mondo attribute / Adding a user interface
- Write attribute / Setting file permissions, Registry permissions
- WriteRegistryValues action / WriteRegistryValues
- XAML / Burn extension points
- xmlns / XML declaration and Wix element