Chapter 2: The Web in a Nutshell
Unlike many other website builders, learning to design and develop websites in Webflow efficiently and with confidence requires a good understanding of how modern websites are structured. In fact, it may even be argued that it is a prerequisite to learning Webflow. Spending some time grasping these foundational concepts will help you unlock the true power and unique value of Webflow.
In this chapter, we'll take a closer look at two of these foundational concepts. First, we'll explore the CSS box model, a set of rules and constructs that govern how websites are structured. Understanding the box model will give you an appreciation for how websites are laid out and why, all of which will directly help you in understanding how Webflow works.
With some basic understanding of the box model in place, we'll then take a closer look at two of the main technologies that underpin the entire visual web: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading...