Other places to find information
There are many places where you can find performance and resource usage information besides the places we've discussed so far.
For example, consider using a guest operating system such as Perfmon. VMware Tools includes a Perfmon DLL providing additional counters, which gives the guest operating system some visibility into the ESXi host memory and CPU usage. Perfmon is an SNMP-based tool for Windows operating systems that is used to monitor performance.
Using these newly available counters, such as VM Processor and VM Memory, enables the administrator to view actual use within the guest operating system, which can be compared to the statistics viewed in the vSphere Web Client.
Without VMware Tools, the Perfmon counters are inaccurate because the guest operating system is unaware of virtualization.
Also, consider using an object's Summary tab. The Summary tab can provide useful information for objects such as an ESXi host (demonstrated in the following screenshot...