As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
abstract logo marks 389
Adobe Photoshop Color (ACO) 150
Adobe RGB (1998) 154
advanced selection techniques 109
Pen tool 110
selections, combining with Selection Mode options 109, 110
animation 305
creating 306-310
animation template
customizing 310-314
utilizing 32-34
baseline shift 282
Bitmap image
vectorizing 315-317
black and white image
background, colorizing 332-338
clothes, colorizing 329-331
color, adding to 322
color photo, converting to 322
eyes, colorizing 325
hair, colorizing 327-329
lips, colorizing 326
pumpkin, colorizing 332
skin tone, colorizing 323-325
black and white logo
abstract logo mark, creating 398-400
creating 395-398
editing 400-405
editing, in Affinity Design 406...