We now have our game running on both Android and iOS devices, and we have learned the steps that we'll need to take each time we want to deploy our games on these devices.
While I will not be writing about exporting to both kinds of devices again until we get to Chapter 10, Game Build and Submission, it's a good idea for you to see how the changes that we will make will work with both platforms and keep testing on each platform to make sure that your project works correctly and at a frame rate that you are okay with.
This is especially important to note as running the project on your PC via the editor or an emulator will not always accurately represent how the game will run on a different device. You may find that certain things will slow down your device and make your game choppy. You may also find that certain aspects of your game that run fine on your mobile device will cause your computer to be choppy instead. The thing is, you won't know unless you are always checking the games on devices, so I highly advise that you do so.
We have our game working on mobile devices now, but it currently will not react to anything we do due to how we wrote our input code. In the next chapter, we will explore how we can add input to our project as well as the design considerations we need to make in regards to how the different forms of input will change our game.