21.6 Summary
In this chapter, we covered attacks on the TLS Record protocol. Although we discussed the technical aspects of all these attacks, there were also some general lessons presented in this chapter.
Lucky 13 is a very educational example of how a seemingly innocuous theoretical weakness that is being ignored can become a critical security vulnerability over time. While Lucky 13 was introduced in 2013, the first practical padding oracle attack on CBC had already been described in 2002 by the French cryptographer Serge Vaudeney [176]. Yet it took over 10 years and the publication of Lucky 13 by AlFardan and Paterson for this type of attack to be taken seriously.
The BEAST attack illustrates that cryptographic notions such as IND-CPA that, on the face of it, are very theoretical, do have their value in practical, real-world security.
The POODLE attack is a good example of security risks posed by insecure legacy systems. In theory, POODLE is an attack on SSL 3.0 and, because...