Chapter 8: Agile Roles
In Agile there are a few distinct roles which are different to traditional roles. But traditional roles still exist, and people in those roles can step into Agile roles (even if that isn't their official role title in the organizational chart).
So yes, in Agile you still have Project Managers, Business Analysts, Architects, Developers, Designers, etc. It's just that they are not bound by their official role and can actually take responsibility over tasks other roles traditionally perform. So for example, in Agile testing isn't necessarily the responsibility only of a tester or a test lead, and the whole team might actually participate in testing activities or tasks.
Similarly, the team as a whole might participate in the design process or actively contribute with ideas or mockups instead of relying solely on the Designer to do the work. So in Agile roles blur. Not always of course, but they can when necessary and valuable.
Yet there are a...