Chapter 9: Diving into FAQs and Future Trends
The Operator Framework covers a lot of different topics, many of which have been discussed in this book. In this chapter, we will not discuss any new topics. Rather, we will revisit all of the main points that have been covered since the start of the book in short, digestible FAQ-style headings. It is the intent of these FAQs to provide a brief reference and refresher to everything that was covered during the course of this book. This should be a good, quick reminder of various topics in the event you are studying for an interview, certification exam, or just trying to remember an overview of a certain point that was made. The outline for these FAQs will fall under the following sections:
- FAQs about the Operator Framework
- FAQs about Operator design, CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs), and APIs
- FAQs about the Operator SDK and coding controller logic
- FAQs about OperatorHub and the Operator Lifecycle Manager
- Future trends...