Error handling procedure
In this section, we will build an error handling procedure to expand on the catch construct example presented earlier. This recipe will accept a filename and a program name. If the file exists and can be opened for reading it will attempt to open the file within the program passed. If the file can be opened but the program fails for any other reason we will display an error message of our own creation.
Getting ready
To complete the following example we will need to create a Tcl script file in your working directory. Open the text editor of your choice and follow the given instructions.
How to do it…
Using the editor of your choice, create a text file named error_handling.tcl
that contains the following commands:
#Check that two arguments were passed if { $argc == 2 } { #Define variables for the filename, program set fname [lindex $argv 0] set progname [lindex $argv 1] #Check that the file exists for reading set retval [file readable $fname] #If the file exists for reading...