Setting up Rendered mode
Rendering is the highest-quality way to view our sculptures, but it is also the slowest way for our computers to draw 3D objects. This trade-off is worth it as long as we choose the appropriate settings that will make our renders look good.
The first thing we need to understand is that the process of rendering is performed by a render engine. Blender is not a render engine; we use Blender to sculpt and model our 3D objects, but when it's time to render, we need to choose which render engine to use. This is typical of all 3D software; it's not a problem for us because there are many render engines to choose from. Blender includes two render engines out of the box, Eevee and Cycles.
- Eevee is a real-time rasterizing render engine that prioritizes fast speed over realistic lighting. A render from this type of render engine usually takes less than one second to process. This is most closely comparable to high-quality video game graphics. The...