Sergio Moreno is a front-end developer with more than 4 years of experience really focused in the analysis, design, development and building large-scale applications. Formerly worked at Allfunds, the world's largest fund distribution network, he led the front-end team to build a full new suite of products for the new Digital section of Allfunds. He entered the open-source world in 2019 where's contributed to big companies like Google, Facebook, Airbnb, or Pinterest and much more. In 2020 focused his contributions to Rematch, where he released the v2 version with a full rewrite of the codebase and a full compatibility with Typescript and so many improvements like reducing the bundlesize in some cases by 110%, and Lingui, an amazing internationalization library, who helped to release the v3 version. In 2021, joined Flowable as Product Engineer, a compact and highly efficient workflow and business process management platform for developers, system admins and business users.
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