A step-by-step assembly of the robot
In this task, we will assemble the robot in simple steps that are accompanied by a photographical representation.
Prepare for lift off
We need to have the following parts ready to assemble the robot:
Top and bottom chassis plates for the line following robot
Infrared sensors
A pair of #2 screws and nuts (washers optional)
A ball caster assembly with screws from Pololu
2*M2.5 screws for mounting the Raspberry Pi (washers optional)
4*#6 1-inch screws with spacers (washers optional)
A Raspberry Pi
2 DC motors
Double-sided tape
A Pi Plate
A motor driver
Engage thrusters
We will get started by mounting the castor wheel.
Mounting the castor wheel
We will mount the Raspberry Pi using M2.5 screws.
Raspberry Pi mounted using M2.5 screws
This is followed by the DC motors coupled with wheels using the double-sided tape. The DC motors with a plastic gearbox from Pololu do not come with a mounting hole, and hence, we will use double-sided tape to mount the motors. Similarly...