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Python Social Media Analytics
Python Social Media Analytics

Python Social Media Analytics: Analyze and visualize data from Twitter, YouTube, GitHub, and more

By Baihaqi Siregar , Siddhartha Chatterjee , Michal Krystyanczuk
Book Jul 2017 312 pages 1st Edition
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Python Social Media Analytics

Chapter 1. Introduction to the Latest Social Media Landscape and Importance

Have you seen the movie The Social Network? If you have not, it could be a good idea to see it before you read this book. If you have, you may have seen the success story around Mark Zuckerberg and his company Facebook. This was possible due to power of the platform in connecting, enabling, sharing, and impacting the lives of almost two billion people on this planet.

The earliest social networks existed as far back as 1995; such as Yahoo (Geocities),, and These platforms were mainly to facilitate interaction among people through chat rooms. It was only at the end of the 90s that user profiles became the in thing in social networking platforms, allowing information about people to be discoverable, and therefore, providing a choice to make friends or not. Those embracing this new methodology were Makeoutclub, Friendster,, and so on.

MySpace, LinkedIn, and Orkut were thereafter created, and the social networks were on the verge of becoming mainstream. However, the biggest impact happened with the creation of Facebook in 2004; a total game changer for people's lives, business, and the world. The sophistication and the ease of using the platform made it into mainstream media for individuals and companies to advertise and sell their ideas and products. Hence, we are in the age of social media that has changed the way the world functions.

Since the last few years, there have been new entrants in the social media, which are essentially of different interaction models as compared to Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. These are Pinterest, Instagram, Tinder, and others. Interesting example is Pinterest, which unlike Facebook, is not centered around people but is centered around interests and/or topics. It's essentially able to structure people based on their interest around these topics. CEO of Pinterest describes it as a catalog of ideas. Forums which are not considered as regular social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others, are also very important social platforms. Unlike in Twitter or Facebook, forum users are often anonymous in nature, which enables them to make in-depth conversations with communities. Other non-typical social networks are video sharing platforms, such as YouTube and Dailymotion. They are non-typical because they are centered around the user-generated content, and the social nature is generated by the sharing of these content on various social networks and also the discussion it generates around the user commentaries. Social media is gradually changing from being platform centric to focusing more on experiences and features. In the future, we'll see more and more traditional content providers and services becoming social in nature through sharing and conversations. The term social media today includes not just social networks but every service that's social in nature with a wide audience.

To understand the importance of social media, it's interesting to look at the statistics of these platforms. It's estimated that out of around 3.4 billion internet users, 2.3 billion of them are active social media users. This is a staggering number, reinforcing the enormous importance of social media. In terms of users of individual social media platforms, Facebook leads the way with almost 1.6 billion active users. You must have heard the adage that if Facebook were a country, it would be second largest one after China and ahead of India. Other social platforms linked to Facebook are also benefiting from this user base, such as WhatsApp, hosting 1 billion users on its chat application, and Instagram, with 400 million on its image sharing social network.

Among other platforms, Tumblr and Twitter lead the way with 550 million and 320 million active users respectively. LinkedIn, the world's most popular professional social media has 100 million active users. Pinterest, which is a subject of a later chapter, also has 100 million active users. Seina and Weibo, the equivalents of Facebook and Twitter in China, alone host 222 million active users. In terms of growth and engagement, Facebook is still the fastest growing social media, way ahead of the rest. If we look at engagement, millennials (age group 18-34) spend close to 100 minutes on average per person per month on Facebook. The number is way lower for others. Among user-generated content and sharing platforms, YouTube is a leader with 300 hours of video uploaded every minute and 3.25 billion hours of video watched every month.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Social graph
  • Introduction to the latest social media landscape and importance
  • What does social data mean in the modern world?
  • Tools and their specificities to mine the social web (Python, APIs, and machine learning)

Introducing social graph

A social graph is created through this widespread interaction and exchange of information on social media. A social graph is a massive network that illustrates the relations between individuals and information on the internet. Facebook owns the largest social graph of relations of 1.5 billion users. Every social media has its own social graph. The nature of social graph and its utility can be of various types, based on the types of relations described as follows. We will show a concrete example of a piece of the social graph and how to analyze it.

  • User graph: This is a network that shows the relationships between users or individuals connected to each other.
  • Content graph: As there are billions of content being uploaded on social media, there is a relationship existing between different types of content (text, images, videos, or multimedia). These relations could be based on semantic sense around those content, or in-bond or out-bond links between them, like that of the Google's page rank.
  • Interest graph: The interest graph takes the original graphs a step further, where individuals on the social media or the internet are not related based on their mere links, like being added as a friend or followed on Twitter, but on their mutual interests. This has a huge advantage over standard social graph, in the sense that it leads to finding communities of people with similar interests. Even if these people have no interaction or know each other personally, there is an inherent link based on their interests and passions.

Notion of influence

This massive growth and interaction on the social web is leading the way to understand these individuals. Like in a society there are influencers, the same phenomenon is getting replicated on the social web. There are people who have more influence over other users. The process of finding influencers and calculating influence is becoming an important science. If you have used a service called Klout, you'll know what we are talking about. Klout gives a 'social influence score' based on your social media activities. There are questions about the relevance of such scores, but that's only because the influence of a person is a very relative topic. In fact, in our view, no one is an influencer while everyone's an influencer. This can sound very confusing but what we are trying to say is that influence is relative. Someone who is an influencer to you may not be an influencer to another. If you need admission of your child to a school, the principal of the school is an influencer, but if you are seeking admission to a university, the same principal is not an influencer to you. This confusion makes the topic super exciting; trying to understand human dynamics and then figuring out who influences whom and how. Merely having thousands of followers on Twitter doesn't make one an influencer but the influencer of his or her followers and the way they are influenced to take action, sure does. Our book will not get into detailed aspects of influence but it's important to keep in mind this notion while trying to understand social media analytics.

Social impacts

Social media is already having a profound influence on both society and business. The societal impact has been both psychological and behavioral. Various events, crises, and issues in the world have received a boost because of the use of social media by millions of people. Stating a few examples would be that of the Arab Spring and the refugee crisis. In environmental crisis, such as earthquakes, social media like Twitter has proved in accelerating information and action because of its immediacy of dissemination and spread.

Platforms on platform

Social media companies like Facebook started presenting their technology as a platform, where programmers could build further tools to give rise to more social experiences, such as games, contests, and quizzes, which in turn gave rise to social interactions and experiences beyond mere conversational interaction. Today, there is a range of tools that allows one to build over the platforms. Another application of this is to gather intelligence through the data collected from these platforms. Twitter shares a lot of its data around the usage of its platform with programmers and companies. Similarly, most of the popular social networks have started sharing their data with developers and data warehousing companies. Sharing their data serves revenue growth, and is also a very interesting source for researchers and marketers to learn about people and the world.

Delving into social data

The data acquired from social media is called social data. Social data exists in many forms.

The types of social media data can be information around the users of social networks, like name, city, interests, and so on. These types of data that are numeric or quantifiable are known as structured data.

However, since social media are platforms for expression, a lot of the data is in the form of texts, images, videos, and such. These sources are rich in information, but not as direct to analyze as structured data described earlier. These types of data are known as unstructured data.

The process of applying rigorous methods to make sense of the social data is called social data analytics. In the book, we will go into great depth in social data analytics to demonstrate how we can extract valuable sense and information from these really interesting sources of social data. Since there are almost no restrictions on social media, there are lot of meaningless accounts, content, and interactions. So, the data coming out of these streams is quite noisy and polluted. Hence, a lot of effort is required to separate the information from the noise. Once the data is cleaned and we are focused on the most important and interesting aspects, we then require various statistical and algorithmic methods to make sense out of the filtered data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Understanding semantics

A concept important to understand when handling unstructured data is semantics. Dictionaries define the term as the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.

It is a concept that comes from linguistic science and philosophy, to deal with the study and research of meaning. These meanings are uncovered by understanding the relationship between words, phrases, and all types of symbols. From a social media point of view, symbol could be the popular emoticons, which are not exactly formal language but they signify emotions. These symbols can be extended to images and videos, where patterns in their content can be used to extract meanings. In the later chapters, we will show few techniques that can help you to get meaning out of textual data. Extracting meaning or sense from images and videos is out of scope for the book. Semantic technology is very central to effectively analyzing unstructured social data.

For effectively extracting sense out of social data, semantic technologies have underlying artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms. These algorithms allow you to find patterns in the data, which are then humanly interpreted. That's why social data analytics is so exciting, as it brings together knowledge from the fields of semantics and machine learning, and then binds it with sociology for business or other objectives.

Defining the semantic web

The growth of the internet has given rise to platforms like websites, portals, search engines, social media, and so on. All of these have created a massive collection of content and documents. Google and other search engines have helped to organize these documents and make them accessible to everyday users. So, today we are able to search our questions and select websites or pages that are linked to the answer. Even social media content is more and more accessible via search engines. You may find a tweet that you created two years back suddenly showing on a Google result. The problem of organization of web content is almost a solved problem. However, wouldn't it be more exciting if you asked a question on Google, Bing, or another search engine and it directly gave you the answer, just like a friend with the required knowledge? This is exactly what the future web would look like and would do. Already, for example, if you put the query on Google about what's the temperature in Paris? or who is the wife of Barack Obama?, it gives you the right answer. The ability of Google to do this is inherently semantic technology with natural language processing and machine learning. Algorithms that Google has behind its search engine creates links between queries and content by understanding relation between words, phrases, and actual answers.

However, today only a fixed number of questions can be answered, as there is big risk of inferring wrong answers on multiple questions. The future of the internet will be an extension to the World Wide Web, which is the semantic web. The term was coined by the creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. The semantic web is a complex concept on a simple idea of connecting entities (URLs, pages, and content) on the web through relations, but the underlying implementation is difficult at scale, due to the sheer volume of entities present on the internet. New markup languages called Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) will be used to create these links between pages and content, based on relations. These new languages will allow creators of content to add meaning to their documents, which machines could process for reasoning or inference purposes, allowing automating many tasks on the web. Our book is not about explaining the underlying concepts of the semantic web, but just for your knowledge about where the web is heading and to appreciate the needs to mine the web more intelligently, as you'll learn in the later chapters.

Exploring social data applications

Now that you know where the future of the web is heading, let's shift our focus back to our discussion on the purpose of analyzing the social web data. We have discussed about the nature of social media and the social data, structured and unstructured, but you must be curious as to how this is used in the real world. In our view, restricting the application of social data analytics to certain fields or sectors is not entirely fair. Social data analytics leads you to the learning or discovery of facts or knowledge. If acquiring knowledge can't be restricted to a few fields, neither can be social media analytics. However, there are some fields that are prospering more from this science, such as marketing, advertising, and research communities. Social media data is being integrated more and more in existing digital services to provide a much more personalized experience through recommendations. You must have seen that most online services allow you to register using your social profiles along with added information. When you do so, the service is able to mine your social data and recommend products or catalogs aligned with your interests. Entertainment services like Spotify and Netflix, or e-commerce ones like Amazon, eBay, and others, are able to propose personalized recommendations based on social data analytics and other data sources. More traditional companies selling consumer products derive value from social data in their marketing of products and brands. People use social networks as a means to both connect with companies and to express about their products and services. Hence, there is a huge amount of data on the social web that contains customer preferences and complaints about companies. This is an example of unstructured-social data, since it's mostly textual or images in format. Companies are analyzing this data to understand how consumers feel and use their services or campaigns, and then are using this intelligence to integrate it in their marketing and communications.

A similar approach has been applied in political campaigns to understand the opinion of people on various political issues. Analysts and data scientists have gone as far as trying to predict election results using sentiments of people about the concerned politicians. There are certainly many data scientists using social media data to predict the results of Clinton and Trump elections. There have been attempts to predict the stock market using social data but this has not been very successful, as financial data is highly sensitive and volatile and so is social data, and combining the two is still a big challenge.

In the later chapters, you'll see how we can analyze the Facebook page of a brand to understand their relation with their consumers. In Chapter 7, Scraping and Extracting Conversational Topics on Internet Forums about analyzing forums, you'll see how we are able to understand deeper conversations regarding certain subjects. Building recommendation engines is beyond the scope of the book, but you'll know enough about social data in order to integrate it for your recommender system projects.

Now that you know enough about social media, social data, and their applications, we will dive into the methods to get on top of social data. Among the many techniques used to analyze social data, machine learning is one of the most effective ones.

Understanding the process

Once you are familiar with the topic of social media data, let us proceed to the next phase. The first step is to understand the process involved in exploitation of data present on social networks. A proper execution of the process, with attention to small details, is the key to good results. In many computer science domains, a small error in code will lead to a visible or at least correctable dysfunction, but in data science, it will produce entirely wrong results, which in turn will lead to incorrect conclusions.

The very first step of data analysis is always problem definition. Understanding the problem is crucial for choosing the right data sources and the methods of analysis. It also helps to realize what kind of information and conclusions we can infer from the data and what is impossible to derive. This part is very often underestimated while it is key to successful data analysis.

Any question that we try to answer in a data science project has to be very precise. Some people tend to ask very generic questions, such as I want to find trends on Twitter. This is not a correct problem definition and an analysis based on such statement can fail in finding relevant trends. By a naive analysis, we can get repeating Twitter ads and content generated by bots. Moreover, it raises more questions than it answers. In order to approach the problem correctly, we have to ask in the first step: what is a trend?what is an interesting trend for us? andwhat is the time scope? Once we answer these questions, we can break up the problem in multiple sub problems: I'm looking for the most frequent consumer reactions about my brand on Twitter in English over the last week and I want to know if they were positive or negative. Such a problem definition will lead to a relevant, valuable analysis with insightful conclusions.

The next part of the process consists of getting the right data according to the defined problem. Many social media platforms allow users to collect a lot of information in an automatized way via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which is the easiest way to complete the task. However, other platforms, such as forums or blogs, usually require a customized programming approach (scraping), which will be explained in later chapters.

Once the data is stored in a database, we perform the cleaning. This step requires a precise understanding of the project's goals. In many cases, it will involve very basic tasks such as duplicates removal, for example, retweets on Twitter, or more sophisticated such as spam detection to remove irrelevant comments, language detection to perform linguistic analysis, or other statistical or machine learning approaches that can help to produce a clean dataset.

When the data is ready to be analyzed, we have to choose what kind of analysis and structure the data accordingly. If our goal is to understand the sense of the conversations, then it only requires a simple list of verbatims (textual data), but if we aim to perform analysis on different variables, like number of likes, dates, number of shares, and so on, the data should be combined in a structure such as data frame, where each row corresponds to an observation and each column to a variable.

The choice of the analysis method depends on the objectives of the study and the type of data. It may require statistical or machine learning approach, or a specific approach to time series. Different approaches will be explained on the examples of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, GitHub, Pinterest, and Forum data, subsequently in the book.

Once the analysis is done, it's time to infer conclusions. We can derive conclusions based on the outputs from the models, but one of the most useful tools is visualization technique. Data and output can be presented in many different ways, starting from charts, plots, and diagrams through more complex 2D charts, to multidimensional visualizations. These techniques are shown in example chapters as well as the reasoning process to infer insightful conclusions.

Once the process is clear enough, we can start setting up the programming environment.

Working environment

The choice of the right tools is decisive for the smooth execution of the process. There are some important parts of the environment which facilitate data manipulation and algorithm implementation, but above all, they make the data science reproducible. We have selected the main components, which are widely used by data scientists all over the world, related to programming language, integrated development environment, and version control system.

Defining Python

Python is one of the most common programming languages among data scientists, along with R. The main advantage of Python is its flexibility and simplicity. It makes the data analysis and manipulation easy by offering a lot of packages. It shows great performance in analyzing unstructured textual data and has a very good ecosystem of tools and packages for this purpose.

For the purposes of the book, we have chosen Python 3.5.2. It is the most up-to-date version, which implements many improvements compared to Python 2.7. The main advantage in text analysis is an automatic management of Unicode variables. Python 2.7 is still widely used by programmers and data scientists due to a big choice of external libraries, documentation, and online resources. However, the new version has already reached a sufficient level of compatibility with packages, and on top of it, offers multiple new features.

We will use the pip command tool for installation of all libraries and dependencies.

Selecting an IDE

The choice of IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is mostly a matter of personal preferences. The most common choices are PyCharm, Sublime Text, or Atom. PyCharm is a very complete development environment while Sublime Text is a lightweight text editor which allows us to install additional plugins. Its main advantage is the fact that the user can choose the tools that he needs for his development. Atom is the newest software of all three, similar to Sublime Text. It was developed by GitHub and integrates by default the git version control system. In the book, we will use Sublime Text as the simplest and the easiest solution to start data analysis and development.

Illustrating Git

A version control system is one of the main elements of programming process. It helps to manage different versions of the code over time and reverse the changes in case of errors or wrong approach. The most widespread and easy-to-use version control system is Git and we will use it in our examples.

Getting the data

Data harvesting is the entry point for any social media analysis project. There are two main ways to collect data for an analysis: by connecting to APIs or by crawling and scraping the social networks. It is crucial to understand how the data was collected in order to be aware of the bias that might introduced. Different harvesting techniques will require customized approaches to data preprocessing and analysis workflow, which we will explain in further chapters.

Defining API

A widely used term, API (Application Programming Interface) is defined as a set of instructions and standards to access a web based software application. But what does it mean in real life? Firstly, APIs allow users to send a request for a particular resource, such as Facebook or Twitter , and receive some data in response. It is worth noting that all API providers fix some limitations on the quantity or type of data which users can obtain. APIs give access data processing resources, such as AlchemyAPI that receives in a request verbatim (textual data) and sends in response all results of the analysis, such as nouns, verbs, entities, and so on. In our case, the APIs are used either to get data from social networks or to execute some complex processing on them.

In order to access and manipulate APIs, we have to install the urllib2 library:

pip3 install urllib2

In some cases, if you fail to perform the installation. You can also try using the request library, which is compatible with Python 2.x and 3.x.

pip3 install request

Scraping and crawling

Scraping (or web scraping) is a technique to extract information from websites. When we do not have access to APIs, we can only retrieve visible information from HTML generated on a web page. In order to perform the task, we need a scraper that is able to extract information that we need and structure it in a predefined format. The next step is to build a crawler-€”a tool to follow links on a website and extract the information from all sub pages. When we decide to build a scraping strategy, we have to take into consideration the terms and conditions, as some websites do not allow scraping.

Python offers very useful tools to create scrapers and crawlers, such as beautifulsoup and scrapy.

pip3 install bs4, scrapy

Analyzing the data

In this section, we briefly introduce the main techniques which lie behind the social media analysis process and bring intelligence to the data. We also present how to deal with reasonably big amount of data using our development environment. However, it is worth noting that the problem of scaling and dealing with massive data will be analyzed in Chapter 9, Social Data Analytics at Scale - Spark and Amazon Web Services.

Brief introduction to machine learning

The recent growth in the volume of data created by mobile devices and social networks has dramatically impacted the need for high performance computation and new methods of analysis. Historically, large quantities of data (big data) were analyzed by statistical approaches which were based on sampling and inductive reasoning to derive knowledge from data. A more recent development of artificial intelligence, and more specifically, machine learning, enabled not only the ability to deal with large volume of data, but it brought a tremendous value to businesses and consumers by extracting valuable insights and hidden patterns.

Machine learning is not new. In 1959, Arthur Samuel defined machine learning as:

Field of study that gives computers ability to learn without being specifically programmed for it.

Within the field of data analytics, machine learning is a method used to devise complex models and algorithms that allow to This approach is similar to a person who increases his knowledge on a subject by reading more and more books on the subject. There are three main approaches in machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Supervised learning assumes that we know what the outputs are of each data point. For example, we learn that a car that costs $80,000, which has an electric engine and acceleration of 0-100 km/h in 3 seconds, is called Tesla; another car, which costs $40,000, has a diesel engine, and acceleration of 0-100 km/h in 9.2 seconds, is called Toyota; and so on. Then, when we look for the name of a car which costs $35,000, has acceleration of 0-100 km/h in 9.8 seconds, and has a diesel engine, it is most probably Toyota and not Tesla.

Unsupervised learning is used when we do not know the outputs. In the case of cars, we only have technical specifications: acceleration, price, engine type. Then we cluster the data points into different groups (clusters) of similar cars. In our case, we will have the clusters with similar price and engine types. Then, we understand similarities and differences between the cars.

The third type of machine learning is reinforcement learning, which is used more in artificial intelligence applications. It consists of devising an algorithm that learns how to behave based on a system of rewards. This kind of learning is similar to the natural human learning process. It can be used in teaching an algorithm how to play chess. In the first step, we define the environment-the chess board and all possible moves. Then the algorithm starts by making random moves and earns positive or negative rewards. When a reward is positive, it means that the move was successful, and when it is negative, it means that it has to avoid such moves in the future. After thousands of games, it finishes by knowing all the best sequences of moves.

In real-life applications, many hybrid approaches are widely used, based on available data and the complexity of problems.

Techniques for social media analysis

Machine learning is a basic tool to add intelligence and extract valuable insights from social media data. There exist other widespread concepts that are used for social media analysis: Text Analytics, Natural Language Processing, and Graph Mining.

The first notion allows to retrieve non trivial information from textual data, such as brands or people names, relationships between words, extraction of phone numbers, URLs, hashtags, and so on. Natural Language Processing is more extensive and aims at finding the meaning of the text by analyzing text structure, semantics, and concepts among others.

Social networks can also be represented by graph structures. The last mining technique enables the structural analysis of such networks. These methods help in discovering relationships, paths, connections and clusters of people, brands, topics, and so on, in social networks.

The applications of all the techniques will be presented in following chapters.

Setting up data structure libraries

In our analysis, we will use some libraries that enable flexible data structures, such as pandas and sframe. The advantage of sframe over pandas is that it helps to deal with very big datasets which do not fit RAM memory. We will also use a pymongo library to pull collected data from MongoDB, as shown in the following code:

pip3 install pandas, sframe, pymongo 

All necessary machine learning libraries will be presented in corresponding chapters.

Visualizing the data

Visualization is one of the most important parts of data science process. It helps in the initial steps of analysis, for example, to choose the right method or algorithm according to the structure of the data, but essentially to present in a simple way the obtained results. Python ecosystem proposes many interesting libraries, such us plotly, matplotlib, and seaborn, among others, as follows. In the following chapters, we will focus on three of them.

pip3 install plotly, matplotlib, seaborn 

Getting started with the toolset

Once you set up the whole environment, you can create your first project. If you use Linux or macOS machine, you can open a terminal and go to your working directory. Then, use the following command to create your project directory:

mkdir myproject 

On Windows machines, you can create the directory in the usual way without terminal.

At the same time, we initialize an empty repository in Git (in terminal on Linux or macOS, or in Git bash on Windows):

cd myproject 
git init 

Then, you can open your directory in Sublime Text 2 using its GUI (Graphical User Interface) and create your first Python file. Now it's time to start working on a real project.


The avalanche of social network data is a result of communication platforms being developed for the last two decades. These are the platforms that evolved from chat rooms to personal information sharing and finally, social and professional networks. Among many, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn have emerged as the modern day social media. These platforms collectively have reach of more than a billion individuals across the world, sharing their activities and interaction with each other. Sharing of their data by these media through APIs and other technologies has given rise to a new field called social media analytics. This has multiple applications, such as in marketing, personalized recommendations, research, and societal. modern data science techniques such as machine learning and text mining are widely used for these applications. Python is one of the most programming languages used for these techniques. However, manipulating the unstructured-data from social networks requires a lot of precise processing and preparation before coming to the most interesting bits.

In the next chapter, we will see the way this data from social networks can be harnessed, processed, and prepared to make a sandbox for interesting analysis and applications in the subsequent chapters.

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Key benefits

  • Acquire data from various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, GitHub, and more
  • Analyze and extract actionable insights from your social data using various Python tools
  • A highly practical guide to conducting efficient social media analytics at scale


Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Pinterest, and YouTube have become part of everyday life in a big way. However, these complex and noisy data streams pose a potent challenge to everyone when it comes to harnessing them properly and benefiting from them. This book will introduce you to the concept of social media analytics, and how you can leverage its capabilities to empower your business. Right from acquiring data from various social networking sources such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and social forums, you will see how to clean data and make it ready for analytical operations using various Python APIs. This book explains how to structure the clean data obtained and store in MongoDB using PyMongo. You will also perform web scraping and visualize data using Scrappy and Beautifulsoup. Finally, you will be introduced to different techniques to perform analytics at scale for your social data on the cloud, using Python and Spark. By the end of this book, you will be able to utilize the power of Python to gain valuable insights from social media data and use them to enhance your business processes.

What you will learn

[*]Understand the basics of social media mining [*]Use PyMongo to clean, store, and access data in MongoDB [*]Understand user reactions and emotion detection on Facebook [*]Perform Twitter sentiment analysis and entity recognition using Python [*]Analyze video and campaign performance on YouTube [*]Mine popular trends on GitHub and predict the next big technology [*]Extract conversational topics on public internet forums [*]Analyze user interests on Pinterest [*]Perform large-scale social media analytics on the cloud

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Publication date : Jul 28, 2017
Length 312 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781787121485
Category :
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Product Details

Publication date : Jul 28, 2017
Length 312 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781787121485
Category :
Concepts :

Table of Contents

17 Chapters
Title Page Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Credits Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About the Authors Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Acknowledgments Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About the Reviewer Chevron down icon Chevron up icon Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Customer Feedback Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Introduction to the Latest Social Media Landscape and Importance Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Harnessing Social Data - Connecting, Capturing, and Cleaning Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Uncovering Brand Activity, Popularity, and Emotions on Facebook Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Analyzing Twitter Using Sentiment Analysis and Entity Recognition Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Campaigns and Consumer Reaction Analytics on YouTube – Structured and Unstructured Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. The Next Great Technology – Trends Mining on GitHub Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Scraping and Extracting Conversational Topics on Internet Forums Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Demystifying Pinterest through Network Analysis of Users Interests Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Social Data Analytics at Scale – Spark and Amazon Web Services Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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How can I make a purchase on your website? Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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Where can I access support around an eBook? Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
  • If you experience a problem with using or installing Adobe Reader, the contact Adobe directly.
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What eBook formats do Packt support? Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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You will need to use Adobe Reader v9 or later in order to read Packt's PDF eBooks.

What are the benefits of eBooks? Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
  • You can get the information you need immediately
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  • They are lower price than print
  • They save resources and space
What is an eBook? Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

Packt eBooks are a complete electronic version of the print edition, available in PDF and ePub formats. Every piece of content down to the page numbering is the same. Because we save the costs of printing and shipping the book to you, we are able to offer eBooks at a lower cost than print editions.

When you have purchased an eBook, simply login to your account and click on the link in Your Download Area. We recommend you saving the file to your hard drive before opening it.

For optimal viewing of our eBooks, we recommend you download and install the free Adobe Reader version 9.