Applying the DAR principle to Airline Operations
Now that we've gone
through the theoretical part of QlikView use cases and user types, it's time to get practical again. To continue, open the Airline Operations.qvw
file we've been working on. We will build our exercises upon the previously created data model and frontend.
When we look at the document we have built so far, we will notice that this does not yet cover the Dashboard, Analysis, and Report use cases. That's why, in this section, we will expand on the various charts that are available in QlikView, while also applying the DAR principles.
First, though, we need to take a better look at the business requirements set by HighCloud Airlines.
Document requirements
After requirement workshops and interviews with the HighCloud Airlines' executive team, Sara has distilled the following KPIs:
Load Factor %: This gives the number of enplaned passengers versus the number of available seats
Performed versus scheduled flights: This gives the number...