Avoiding spaghetti code
In this recipe, we will explore a typical way to create spaghetti code and then we will see a much better way of how to avoid such code.
Spaghetti code is code in which a lot of functionality is intertangled.
Getting ready
We will create a new, simple GUI written in Python using the tkinter built-in Python library.
How to do it...
Having searched online and read the documentation, we might start by writing the following code to create our GUI:
# Spaghetti Code ############################# def PRINTME(me):print(me) import tkinter x=y=z=1 PRINTME(z) from tkinter import * scrolW=30;scrolH=6 win=tkinter.Tk() if x:chVarUn=tkinter.IntVar() from tkinter import ttk WE='WE' import tkinter.scrolledtext outputFrame=tkinter.ttk.LabelFrame(win,text=' Type into the scrolled text control: ') scr=tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(outputFrame,width=scrolW,height=scrolH,wrap=tkinter.WORD) e='E' scr.grid(column=1,row=1,sticky=WE) outputFrame.grid(column...