Top of pages block
Based on the layout structure of PrestaShop theme that we learned previously, we will look at the header section of the page. The default layout comprises the following in the header section:
Currency block (links to the available currencies used on the site).
Languages block (links to the available language translation of the pages interface).
Permanent link block:
Contact (icon that links to the contact form page)
Sitemap (icon that links to the sitemap page)
Bookmark (icon that helps you bookmark a particular page on the site)
Search block
User links block:
Your Account (icon that links to the login page or registration page). When logged in, it links to the account page that lists everything the customer can do with their account. It is only when the viewer is logged out that it links to the authentication page
Cart (icon that links to the shopping cart summary page )
Welcome, Log in (links to the login page or registration page)