Monetization tips and tricks
Before we close this chapter, we wish to share a wide array of tips and tricks that can help you monetize and run your live games. Let’s begin!
Earn an opportunity to spend
What is more satisfying than getting a great deal on a premium currency pack? It is the accomplishment of earning it! There are a few ways in which you can offer your players both. To start with, you could implement a piggy bank feature. During regular play, players fill up the piggy with premium currency or any other valuable resource. When the piggy is sufficiently full, players can choose to break it open to retrieve the reward.
The price can be scaled depending on how full the piggy is, but in general, piggy banks offer a very high value and are limited to one per player in any given week or month. Putting a time limit on the piggy ensures that players remain engaged if they want to maximize their gains; it will also encourage them to pay to not miss out on the amassed...