This view displays statistics about child latches.
The most relevant view fields are:
: The child latch numberLATCH#
: The parent latch numberNAME
: The latch nameGETS
: The number of times the latch is requested in willing-to-wait modeMISSES
: The number of times the latch is requested in willing-to-wait mode, and the requestor had to waitSLEEPS
: The number of times a willing-to-wait latch request resulted in a session sleepingSPIN_GETS
: The number of times a willing-to-wait latch request was satisfied only after a spinWAIT_TIME
: The elapsed time spent waiting for the latch in microsecondsIMMEDIATE_GETS
: The number of times the latch is requested in no-wait modeIMMEDIATE_MISSES
: The number of times a no-wait latch request was unsatisfied
See also
section in this appendix