Linking to Interactive Reports
Interactive Reports also provide a feature where, as developers, we can automatically add filters to the Interactive Report when the page is first displayed. This is useful if we need to link to an Interactive Report from another page and dynamically filter the results to only show relevant records. To add a filter via a link, we first need to define the filter operation and column in the item names section of the APEX URL. This is entered in the following format:
IR<operator>_<column alias>:<value>
In the filter format,<column alias>
is the column in our report SQL statement that we wish to place the condition on. The<operator>
defines the type of condition we wish to apply for the filter. The following operators can be used:
Equals (this is used by default if no operator is specified)LT:
Less ThanLTE:
Less Than or Equal ToGT:
Greater ThanGTE:
Greater Than or Equal ToLIKE:
SQL Like OperatorN:
Not Null
Now that...