Adding pages
Moodle enables you to compose a web page and add it to your course. The page that you add, will be created and stored in your Moodle site.
When you add a page to your course, Moodle displays a text editor. Using this editor, you can put almost anything onto the Moodle web page that a normal web page can contain.
A link to the page that you create will appear on the course's home page.
If you can use a basic word processor, you can use most of the web page editor's features. A full discussion of the editor's features is beyond the scope of this section. Instead, we will examine a few of the key features available in Moodle's HTML editor.
Adding a page to your course
To add a page to your course follow the given steps:
In the topic or the week, where you want to add the resource, click Add an activity or resource. If you're not sure where you want to add the link, just make your best guess. You can move it around the course later.
The Add an activity or resource dialog box will be displayed...