Glossary activity
I've got a glossary of ballistics-related terms that I currently give to students as part of their welcome pack. It's basically a sheet of paper I hand out to my students that I wrote in Microsoft Word years ago. Luckily, I can easily convert this over to Moodle. What's great about converting a glossary over to Moodle is that:
A glossary entry can be much more than just text: you can use the skills and experience you have learned as you have worked through this book to include graphics and embed multimedia.
Students can add entries to the glossary. By converting to Moodle, I can make creating and enhancing my glossary a class activity. Moodle further supports this by allowing me to grade glossary entries.
Moodle can be configured so that wherever a word or phrase appears on my course that is included in the glossary, then that text is highlighted, I can click on it, and the glossary entry is displayed. It's called glossary auto-linking, and we'll be looking at setting this...