Time for action – removing files
I'm going to remove ballistics.zip because all the files have been unpacked from it and it's now just taking up space:

Again, press the Manage my private files button to start the process:
Click on the context menu icon immediately to the right of the file you no longer want. This displays the context menu. Slide the cursor down and select Delete from the menu:
Moodle then displays a Confirmation dialog to double-check with you that this is the file you want to delete. If you are absolutely sure you want to delete the file click Yes:
Remember to press the Save changes button. That's it! You are done!
What just happened?
We've just been learning how to upload a lot of files all in one go by using ZIP files. A ZIP file is a way of packing files together to make uploading them to Moodle easier (rather than uploading individual files one at a time). But once the files have been unpacked, we don't need the ZIP file any more. That's why we've also been learning how...