Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:
- Cloud computing is more expensive than on-premises. (True/False)
- Cloud computing requires more Capital Expenditure (CapEx) than Operating Expenditure (OpEx). (True/False)
- Which of the following is true about cloud-native applications? (Choose three)
A. They typically follow the microservices architecture
B. They are typically monoliths
C. They use containers
D. They use dynamic orchestration
E. They use on-premises databases
- Containers need a hypervisor to run. (True/False)
- Which of the following statements regarding containers is not correct? (Choose one)
A. Containers are virtual machines within virtual machines
B. Containers are simple OS processes
C. Containers use cgroups to provide isolation
D. Containers use a container runtime
E. A container is an ephemeral workload
- All applications can be containerized. (True/False)
- Which of the following is a container runtime? (Choose two)
A. Docker
B. Kubernetes
C. Containerd
D. Docker Swarm
- What kind of applications should you choose to containerize first?
B. Databases
C. Mainframes
- Containers follow CI/CD principles out of the box. (True/False)
- Which of the following is an advantage of breaking your applications into multiple parts? (Choose four)
A. Fault isolation
B. Shorter release cycle time
C. Independent, fine-grained scaling
D. Application architecture simplicity
E. Simpler infrastructure
- While breaking an application into microservices, which aspect should you consider?
A. Breaking applications into as many tiny components as possible
B. Breaking applications into logical components
- What kind of application should you containerize first?
A. Stateless
B. Stateful
- Which of the following are examples of CaaS? (Choose three)
A. Azure Functions
B. Google Cloud Run
C. Amazon ECS
D. Azure ACS
E. Oracle Functions