Using a programming language that allows access to the byte representation of floating-point data types (such as C or C++), write a function that accepts a 32-bit single-precision value as input. Extract the sign, exponent, and mantissa from the bytes of the floating-point value and display them. Remove the bias term from the exponent before displaying its value and display the mantissa as a decimal number. Test the program with the values 0, -0, 1, -1, 6.674e-11, 1.0e38, 1.0e39, 1.0e-38, and 1.0e-39. The numeric values listed here containing e are using the C/C++ text representation of floating-point numbers. For example, 6.674e-11 means 6.674 x 10-11.
- Modify the program from Exercise 1 to also accept a double-precision floating-point value, and print the sign, exponent (with the bias removed), and mantissa from the value. Test it with the same input values as in Exercise 1, and with the values 1.0e308, 1.0e309, 1.0e-308, and 1.0e-309.
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