The Queue storage structure
Azure Queues offers a simple REST-based service for storing messages that can be accessed and consumed from anywhere via authorized HTTP or HTTPS requests, providing a reliable messaging system for multiple dependent services. It shares the same programming model with the previously discussed tables and blobs, creating a uniform experience for developers.
The service contains the following components:
Storage Account: It provides the namespace and manages access and authorization to all associated queues.
Queue: It stores an unlimited number of messages. Cannot exceed the 500 TB size limit.
Message: It contains a payload of UTF-8 encoded text data. A message can only persist up to seven days in a queue and has a maximum size of 64 KB.
We have seen in the previous chapter how entities are partitioned in tables, by the partition key, to meet the traffic needs of tables. However, messages in a single queue are grouped into a single partition determined by the queue...