Handling messaging errors
Now that we have looked at handling exceptions in Orchestrations, we are going to change focus to messaging solutions and examine some of the common exceptions that can occur and how we can eliminate or handle those exceptions through configuration.
Subscription errors
Failure in subscriptions usually comes from one of the following two main problem areas:
Incorrectly configured subscribers, such as incorrect filters or an enlisted state
Faulty messages or message handling resulting in the required promoted message context properties not being available
Regardless of this, the exception that occurs when the BizTalk Server cannot find a configured subscriber after evaluation of a message is: The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found. This is shown in the following screenshot:

The message will (most of the time) be in a Suspended (resumable) state.
The problem with this Suspended service instance is that when an error occurs, BizTalk will...