Curve Editor
To be honest with you, creating particles, or anything with a constant value, has always been tedious. But things started to change when the concept of curve editors and curve-based values came into the process.
Now it's different, and rather than saying the X value is going to be 1 all the time, you can say that the X value is going to start at 0.5 and reach 1.0 by the end of the lifespan of that particle; this could have a huge impact on behaviors!
One of the most powerful features of the Cascade Editor is the typical Unreal Editor Curve Editor panel (like the one used in Matinee Editor). At first glance, you might think it is not the proper place to have a Curve Editor! But once you know why it is there and how to use it, you'll definitely appreciate its existence:

The curve panel allows you to adjust any of the module values that need to be changed along the life of a particle, or even along the whole life of an emitter. With this, you'll be able to have two types of values...