Adding interactivity to commands
If we run our command without any input, we will get a RuntimeException
$ bin/console mava:task:create [RuntimeException] Not enough arguments.
However, we have already seen commands that don't need initial inputs to fulfill their purpose. In Chapter 1, Installing and Configuring Symfony, for example, we simply called the following command to generate a whole bundle structure:
$ bin/console generate:bundle
It wasn't necessary to provide any inputs and yet, along the way, it communicated with us and told us what is needed for the next step to generate the bundle. This is a really nice feature. Let's add it to our command.
Console helpers
Console helpers are services that we can use to add interactivity to our commands. We are going to use the Question helper here. First, we need to add the required classes for different types of questions. So open your command class and add the following lines to it:
File source: // AppBundle/Command...