The online design approach
Designing a Prezi for online delivery needs a very different approach than designing for a face to face presentation. Because they will be viewing your Prezi online, and in their own time, you should assume their attention span will be very limited. Most people viewing content online only have about eight seconds before they become uninterested and move on to something else.
You should also assume that people might not know what Prezi is or how it works. This could send the technophobes in your office running straightaway.
In the rest of this chapter, we'll look at how to design your online Prezi with these things in mind.
The three Prezi design steps
The three design steps you learned about in Chapter 4, Approaching Your Prezi Design still apply:
Plan your Prezi.
Get the flavor right.
Build in layers.
In step 1, you need to make sure that you don't get too carried away with your ideas and stick to a very simple approach. No one is going to click through a Prezi that...