Creating workflows with Azure Logic Apps
The easiest way to start creating a workflow with Azure Logic Apps is by going to the Azure portal and then selecting Logic Apps. Then, click on Add.
Here, you first need to select the Azure subscription and the resource group (as every Azure resource). Then, give the name to the Logic Apps app, select the Azure region where you want to deploy your workflow, and select the deployment type (Workflow or Docker Container). Then, select if you want to enable log analytics (we suggest enabling it in production workflows) and select the Logic Apps plan (Standard or Consumption; we selected Consumption here). You can also specify if you want to enable zone redundancy or not:
Figure 14.17: Configuring the Logic Apps resource
If you click the Review + create button, the Azure Logic Apps resource will be deployed.
Now, by going to the Logic Apps Designer of the newly created app, you can start authoring your workflow (you can start...