What this book covers
Chapter 1, JavaScript Primer, focuses on the language constructs without spending too much time on the basic details. We will cover the trickier parts of variable scoping and loops and best practices for using types and data structures. We will also cover a lot of ground on the coding style and recommended code organization patterns.
Chapter 2, Functions, Closures and Modules, covers the core of the language intricacies. We will discuss the complexities involved in using functional aspects with different treatment for closures in JavaScript. This is a careful and elaborate discussion that will prepare you to explore more advanced design patterns further on.
Chapter 3, Data Structures and Manipulation, takes a detailed look at regular expressions and arrays. Arrays are a fundamental data type in JavaScript and this chapter will help you work effectively with arrays. Regular expressions can make your code concise—we will take a detailed look at how to use RegEx effectively in your code.
Chapter 4, Object-Oriented JavaScript, discusses object orientation in JavaScript. We will discuss inheritance and the prototype chain and focus on understanding the prototypal inheritance model that JavaScript offers. We will also discuss how different this model is from other object-oriented models to help Java or C++ programmers get familiarized with the change.
Chapter 5, JavaScript Patterns, discusses common design patterns and how to implement them in JavaScript. Once you master the object-oriented model for JavaScript, it is easier to understand design and programming patterns to write modular and easy-to-maintain code.
Chapter 6, Testing and Debugging, covers various modern methods to test and debug issues in JavaScript code. We will also explore continuous testing and test-driven methodologies for JavaScript. We will use Jasmine as the test framework.
Chapter 7, ECMAScript 6, focuses on the newer language features introduced by ECMAScript 6 (ES6). It makes JavaScript more powerful and this chapter will help you understand the newer features and how to use them in your code.
Chapter 8, DOM Manipulation and Events, takes a detailed look at JavaScript as a language of the browser. This chapter discusses DOM manipulation and browser events.
Chapter 9, Server-Side JavaScript, explains how we can use Node.js to write scalable server systems in JavaScript. We will discuss the architecture of Node.js and several useful techniques.