- What is the file format for a CoreML compatible model?
a) .coremlmodel
b) .mlmodel
c) .coreml
- How do you use a CoreML model in your project?
a) By adding the model to Xcode and using the model class that is generated for you.
b) By adding the model to Xcode and training the model on the device.
c) By sending the CoreML model and the input data to iCloud.
- Why is it so important the CoreML runs on the end user's device?
a) It's better for privacy and preserves the user's data plan.
b) Because the predictions can be calculated faster that way.
c) Both answers are true.
- What does the NaturalLanguage framework do?
a) It generates natural text.
b) It extracts interesting information from text, for instance, names, places, words, and more.
c) It's used to determine whether a text was written by a human or a machine.
- What does the Vision framework...