Contract deployment
A simple contract can be deployed using Geth and interacted with using Web3 via the command-line interface (CLI) that geth
provides (console
or attach
). The following are the steps to achieve that. As an example, the following source code will be used:
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract valueChecker
uint price=10;
event valueEvent(bool returnValue);
function Matcher (uint8 x) public returns (bool)
if (x>=price)
emit valueEvent(true);
return true;
Run the geth
client using the following command:
$ geth --datadir ~/etherprivate --networkid 786 --allow-insecure-unlock –rpc --rpcapi "web3,net,eth,debug,personal" --rpccorsdomain --debug --vmdebug –nodiscover
$ geth --datadir ~/etherprivate --networkid 786 --allow-insecure-unlock --rpc --rpcapi "web3,net,eth,debug" --rpcport 8001 --rpccorsdomain "...