A small subset of the Captivate objects is supported in a Video Demo project. Supported objects include Smart Shapes, Highlight Boxes, and Text Captions, among others. Inserting and formatting these objects in a Video Demo happens the exact same way as in a standard Captivate project. That's why this section of the book will not contain any step-by-step instructions, as it usually would. Instead, you will apply the skills you learned in the previous chapters to insert objects in the Video Demo project.
Your assignment goes as follows:
- Insert a rectangle Smart Shape at the beginning of the project, on top of the image you inserted in the previous section. Write a nice title for the Video Demo and format it to your liking.
- Repeat the preceding operation to add a closing comment at the end of the project.
- When you feel like an area of the screen should be further highlighted, insert a Smart Shape and format it as a Highlight Box. Don't...