So far in this book, you have been doing GIS with ArcGIS Pro, which is a desktop software package. GIS has quickly expanded into the web, as it allows the sharing of GIS data without the need for complex desktop software. The web is the future of GIS and it is necessary to understand web GIS to keep yourself up to date. Esri, the maker of ArcGIS Pro, also has a powerful web GIS platform that ties into ArcGIS Pro. In this chapter, you will learn the basics of ArcGIS Online and how you can share your data and create great cartographic products that live online, accessible to the world. This chapter will be a high-level overview of ArcGIS Online, as a whole book could be written about it. You will learn important concepts about ArcGIS Online and how to perform simple tasks, but it is recommended to do more in-depth training in ArcGIS Online...