Loading external data
There are many reasons you might want your app to be able to retrieve information from a mobile device, such as reading scores, game progress, settings, and more. This recipe demonstrates how to read data that was previously saved to a mobile device. While this specific example is for iOS devices, the same principles apply to Android-based devices.
Getting ready
This recipe references a file named tryit.txt
, which was created with the Saving external data recipe. You will need to use this recipe prior to using the following one.
How to do it...
Use the following steps to read a file from your mobile device:
Create a new main stack in LiveCode.
Set the background color of the main card to black.
Drag a new button to the main card and set the following properties:
backgroundColor: White
showBorder: Keep it unchecked
hiliteBorder: Keep it unchecked
threeD: Keep it unchecked
Drag a new label to the main card and name it
.Add the following code to the new button:
on mouseUp ...